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Spa Opening, Part 3

Posted on Tue 18th Jun, 2019 @ 3:36pm by Carlo Rienzi & Morva & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Major Haley Sawyer & Lieutenant Alexia Redding
Edited on on Thu 5th Dec, 2019 @ 11:40pm

1,115 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: A Diplomatic Affair
Location: Varuna Spa
Timeline: MD 3, 1230

Previously ... Alora smiled and decided to head for a massage. She hadn't had one in years and wondered if they'd have to bust out a giant tenderizer. Amused by the notion, she set her bead and headed off.

A serene smile hovered over the lips of Alexia as she watched people enter her spa with similar expressions of wonder. They had incorporated many cultures and styles into her establishment. Her physical therapists also had the ability to do ch'i work, acupuncture, ASMR and practiced the Ayurvedic Arts. Some even did Vulcan and Risan massage techniques. Anyone could find something here to soothe them.

* * *

As Serena walked beside Jade, following wherever she was leading, she read the brochure about Ayurvedic Medicine. "Wow, listen to this!" she exlaimed. "Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems. It was developed more than 3,500 years ago in India. It’s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Its main goal is to promote good health, not fight disease. But treatments may be geared toward specific health problems."

She looked over at her boss. "3500 years and it's still around, so there must be something to it, right?"

Lantz just nodded her head. Far be it from her to argue with ancient Earth wellness programs!

"I think I'm going to go check this out. Coming with?" Serena asked.

"I don't think so. I think I'm more in the mood for a hot stone massage. It's history doesn't go back as far, but I find it an effective tension reliever. You go on and enjoy yourself. You can come back later and try to talk me into Ayurveda," her boss grinned.

* * *

Carlo found the sauna and decided to try it out. He took a brief shower, drank some water, wrapped a towel around his waist, and went into the room. Several people were already there, also towel-clad. One was a Ferengi woman, Carlo was startled to discover. She looked him up and down as he entered and then sniffed. "Well, you're a long, tall one, aren't you?"

Carlo grinned at her as he sat down next to her. "'Fraid so! Ahhhh...This feels good."

"It could use cushions in here," the woman grumbled. "My name is Morva. You look like a strapping young human who appreciates good food. Have you ever visited the Slug and Grub restaurants on the River barges?"

"Carlo Rienzi of Pub 10-42 on this deck, spinward as you go out the spa entrance. Glad to meet you! And I can't say I've been there," Carlo admitted. "The pub keeps me very busy. As for grubs and slugs, I'm more of a pepperoni on pizza kind of guy."

"I've heard of pizza. You humans use too much grain in your food. If you reduced a meal to its essential elements, the meat and vegetables, you would be able to understand the subtleties and complexities of finer food." Morva sniffed. "I can make you a plate of jellied gree worm that would make you weep for joy."

"Weep for joy that I finished it, maybe," Carlo said. "What does it taste like?"

"What do you think? It tastes like gree worm," Morva shot back. She leaned her head against the wood-paneled wall. "This is not bad, but if you want real comfort, you should try the mud baths. I'm headed there next."

"Explain to me, why do people pay to bathe in mud?" Carlo asked.

"It's not exactly mud, you know," Morva said, "it's seaweed, volcanic ash, and clay, mixed with mineral water. It just feels good. It's nice, and heavy, and warm. Very soothing."

"I'll take your word for it," Carlo told her as he closed his eyes and drew in a deep breath of steamy air.

* * *

"Oh crap, we're late aren't we?" Haley Sawyer and Doctor Kri Kyra arrived together, "I'm sure you said this thing started at twelve-thirty?"

"I probably did," Kyra replied to her friend, "To be honest, time-keeping isn't really a strong suit for me... Or any of my species for that matter? So, umm, what do you think we're supposed to do?"

Coming in behind the two women, Nathara Doyle was startled by the appearance of the Vincocci. It wasn't a species she saw often, but she was attractive in a non-Earth standard kind of way. She overheard the question, and since she actually knew the answer, having provided consultation on the bracelet programming, she decided to be helpful.

"There's a big bowl over there," she nodded toward the counter, "which has bracelets like mine for you to wear." She held up her arm to display what she meant. "They are guides to the spa. You can interact with them to find out what's available and how to get there. You'll find a few unusual things here, so I think you'll want to investigate a few before picking a favorite." She hoped they didn't think she was intruding.

"Personally, I'm picking mudbaths. There's something about the warmth and the feel of the substance they use which relaxes me right into a spaghetti noodle, and it smells heavenly. Have some fun!" Nathara moved away to the corridor on the right, heading for her destination.

Alora walked into the massage area and looked around for an available member of staff; finding one she politely informed the being as to her wishes. In moments, she was on her chest in a specialized bed, as a specially trained masseur began to work.

Jasmine and Adam were enjoying the luxury of a couples mud bath. Adam lay against the warm stone tub, his head reclined back while Jasmine lay between his legs, her back pressed against his chest, her head laying against his shoulder. Adam gently caressed his wife as he moved the mud up and down her arms and over her shoulders.

"This is nice," he murmured into his wife's hair. "But we only have ten minutes left. What would you like to do next?"

"Hmm, your call," she groaned back.

"Spas are more for the female species Jasmine. While I am enjoying myself, I wouldn't know where to turn to next." Adam kissed the top of her head. "This is your day."

"Okay then, how about a hot stone massage? I'm sure they have a couple's room."

"Sounds good. Let's get this washed off and head over there." Adam lifted his wife up out of the bath and then stood to join her. "You look sexy in mud Jazzy." Within a few moments, the couple was showered and wrapped in thick terry robes and on their way to the massage rooms.


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