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Tue 29th Sep, 2020 @ 7:13pm

Major Haley Sawyer

Name Haley Sawyer

Position MAGEG Executive Officer

Rank Major

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 1"
Weight 113 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Relatively short, Haley does not come across as someone built as a marine. On duty, her long brown hair will be scrapped back into a pony-tail, but off duty it will often be worn loose.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Unknown
Mother Unknown
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Lieutenant Hannah Sawyer - Operations / CONN Officer, USS Falcon
Other Family Lieutenant Colonel Josiah Sawyer - Adoptive Father

Personality & Traits

General Overview Haley's happy-go-lucky nature is often mistaken by some as a sign that she doesn't care about her work. In fact the opposite is true. Highly dedicated, she works hard at all disciplines of being a marine - both physical and mental. Of course at the end of the day, when the work is done, she certainly likes to party.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
Excellent ability with both melee and ranged weapons
Expert in various martial art forms
Extremely fit, quick and has excellent reflexes.

Can party a little too hard at times.
Has racial issues with Cardassians
Ambitions To be the youngest Starfleet Marine to reach the rank of Colonel.
Hobbies & Interests Haley uses her martial arts drills as a method of relaxation.

Personal History Early Years.
Haley and her sister, Hannah, were born in 2367 on a small colony in the area, along the Cardassian border, which would later become the demilitarised zone. In 2370, when the DMZ was established, their parents refused to relocate and, before long, had become involved with the Maquis. However, as it was one of the smaller colonies in the DMZ, it was one of the first ones the Cardassians targeted. They arrived in great numbers and, despite brave resistance from the colonists, there were simply to many and all but three of the colonists died.

Haley and Hannah had managed to hide from the attacking Cardassians and survived. Also surviving the attack was Josiah Sawyer, a young 25-year old man, who had hidden out of cowardice. Once the attack was over, he came out of hiding and, staggering around the colony in shock, found the two girls. Realising the opportunity to atone for his cowardice, he took the two girls, got them to a ship and escaped the colony.

Arriving at Cestus III, the young man planned to give the girls up for adoption, but, realising that saving the girls was only half the job, he chose to adopt them and raise them himself.

Growing Up
Determined to change from the 'coward who hid', Sawyer enrolled as a Starfleet Marine and took the girls with him. While life was difficult growing up with a single parent, who was a Marine officer, the girls loved Josiah and were well supported by the SFMC community. By the time the girls were 13, both were convinced that they wanted to follow their adopted-father in to the marines.

Marine Cadet
Aged just 16, both girls applied to and passed their basic training, Haley then went on to complete a three year bachelor's degree in military sciences. Haley then enrolled in the Officer Cadet School and went on to The Basic School before spending three months at the Close Quarters Battle School.

to be completed...

Starbase 109
In July of 2395, on time-served and outstanding service, Haley was promoted to major.
Service Record May 2383:
Completed Basic Marine Training

September 2383
Enrols at Starfleet Academy, Marine Training Division - Military Sciences Degree

September 2386
Quantico Military Academy - Officer Cadet School

November 2386
Quantico Military Academy - Basic School

February 2387
Close Quarters Battle School

January 2392
Promoted to Marine Captain
Assigned to 9th Marine Aerospace-Ground Expeditionary Group stationed aboard Starbase 109 (The Sentinal) as Battalion Executive Officer

July 2395
Promoted to Major