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It's Not Easy Being Green

Posted on Mon 6th Aug, 2012 @ 12:39am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

1,386 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: Protector
Timeline: Current

The life of a Marine is never an easy one. It is faced with hardships and trials. It tended to veer potential mates away. Tallus was lucky that he had found his wife. Being a Vulcan Marine was even worse. With the increased speed, agility, and strength that a Vulcan has there is more expected out of him.

High expectations were something that Tallus reveled at. Anything that was expected of Tallus he did, more often then not more then what was expected. Suffice it to say that the life of a Marine was never boring. Between the training and attacks Marine's never had a break. Especially one with Tallus' skills. Highest ranking in his class meant that he got the best assignments.

Now he had just arrived at the Starbase Protector. And it was time to meet his Commanding Officer. Coming up to the door Tallus rung the bell.

The PADDS were now starting to take over the office. First of all the desk had been invaded and occupied... next the surrounding floor areas were used and now, all three chairs and the sofa was being used. The tactic was an old one of divide and conquer... he thought that if he separated the PADDS into their respective categories and then went over each one in priority order, the job might get done faster. It wasn't working.

He heard the chime and almost welcomed the relief.

"Come in" he said, as he added to the pile on the sofa.

"Major Karikkar reporting for duty sir." Tallus said stepping in.

Standing in amongst the chaos, Ashton surveyed the officer walking into the room. At first one might have thought he was an older Vulcan... however if one were to question themselves as to why they thought that, an answer wouldn't be quickly forthcoming. The striking brown hair and smooth looking skin gave away the fact that this man wasn't as old as he first looked.

Ashton hadn't had a chance to look at any of the transferees and, being on a Marine starbase, uniforms didn't even distinguish departments!

He took a couple of steps forward and held out his hand, "Pleased to meet you Major, I'm Colonel Drake".

"Greetings Colonel. I am your Marine Commander." Tallus said picking up on some slight confusion.

"Ah, a Marine CO... you must be pretty good to be put in command of such a large battalion!" Ashton started to laugh... then realized he was talking to a Vulcan.

"I am the best after all." Tallus said with a grin. "Colonel, let me start off by stating that I am a stickler for the rules. I am also not your traditional, I mean that because I do not suppress my emotions."

"Well, I'm pleased to hear that Captain... on both fronts! My opinion is that the rules are there for a reason and should be followed. I also love a good sense of humor!".

Both of those things were a lie. They were true of him last year... but since then, since all the turmoil and sheer devastation in his life with the loss of Patrick... they were not true now.

"Something else that you should know." Tallus said making sure that no one was in the room. "It is classified. I tell at my discretion and if I do not tell then the only people that know are top brass. I am what you would call an enhanced Vulcan. Basically I do not require for there to be contact or even close distance for me to read minds. I can pick up on every little thing that people think. All of it without the other person knowing."

Leaning on his desk he folded his arms. "I see... and might this impact your duties on Protector?" He asked... the rules in Starfleet regarding reading thoughts were incredibly strict. Had he been allowed into Starfleet Academy with this ability or had it developed later on? All he knew was that reading thoughts without permission was a distinct illegality within the Federation.

This was the typical reaction that Tallus got every time he told his CO. "I have had this ability for over one hundred years sir. And as I am sure that you know, I have never been to Starfleet Academy. I went to the Marine Core whom has considerably less strict rules. My abilities are used in many situations. Interrogations, stealth, protection, you name it my ability can help. For the most part I keep my ability to myself and keep my radius of telepathic contact to a minimum. But you will find no one better at protection because then I can detect any person with bad intentions and take care of them."

He stopped leaning from his desk now and stood. "That may be, Major, but you are still a part of Starfleet and Starfleet rules apply to you. I do not want this... ability... to be used on any Starfleet Officer or civilian member of the Federation without their explicit permission. I hope that is clear."

He looked away for a moment, thoughtfully. "Of course, that is not to say that you can't use it on non-Federation members... as the majority of our visitors to the station are going to be. I would have thought this could be quite useful in quelling certain... problems that may arise".

"I will do my best sir. That is all that I can promise." Tallus said nodding. "Now, on to another matter. I understand that you have a Lieutenant Adanyxia on-board. And that this Lieutenant is a Chameloid. I have done research on the crew and I would like to request this person's 'remote' as some have called it. As the Marine Commander I feel that it would be best cared for in my possession."

Drake was confused... had Nyx taken him up on his suggestion of asking Tallus for help?
"Well, the orders were explicitly intended for the Commanding Officer to keep the remote... but I have made it more than clear to Lieutenant Nyx that I want her to decide what is best for her. Has she spoken to you about the situation?" He asked.

"Negative sir. But I have a thought. Something that I think could better assist the Protector." Tallus said.

"And what might that be, Major?" He hoped he was not going down the route that he thought he was!

"It is not quite what you think sir." Tallus knew what the Colonel was thinking and not by sensing it. Tallus would think the same thing. "I have a friend. An ex-Marine. He had a similar problem that the Lieutenant has. The difference is that he has control over it. He got that the hard way. We were on a mission and he lost control. I barely escaped with my life. He killed any whom were in sight. I want to make sure that the Lieutenant does not have to face that. I want to teach her restraint. It is pure logic sir."

"Hmm... I see... well that's certainly a very considerate and selfless notion, Major. It's one that I would certainly be willing to grant, however due to the nature of the orders that Lieutenant Nyx handed to me from Starfleet I need to feel assured that this device will never be used in any sort of combat or threatening situation... in fact, it is only to be used in the most secure of environments, under your training conditions. Do we agree?"

Ashton couldn't give a damn about what Starfleet's orders were with regards to this situation, but he felt a certain affinity to Nyx's affliction.

"I do agree sir. I would not bring it out in front of the public unless the Lieutenant could control without difficulty. You have my assurances." Tallus said.

Ashton nodded... truth be told, after thinking about it, the Lieutenant was probably better off in the hands of Major Karikkar... he just hoped she realized this.

"In that case, Major, I agree to the program your are proposing. The device is currently in my quarters, I'll arrange to get it sent down to your office. I would like regular update reports though."

"Understood sir." Tallus said standing up and saluting.


MAJ. Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commander

LT. COL. Ashton Drake
Commanding Officer


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