View Award - Distinguished Newcomer Award

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Distinguished Newcomer Award

This award is given to any new player whose character distinguishes itself and makes itself known to the other members of the ship.

Category: In character
Awarded: 10 times

Commander Mikaela Locke
Fri 16th Dec, 2022 @ 1:44am
Although Iain is not a newcomer, this award is actually for *anyone* who helps the sim, and Iain has come back with a commitment to that. He has posted several times, filling in gaps left open by departures, and adding to his own character's storyline.
Sipov Boros
Mon 7th Dec, 2020 @ 3:56am
For a look into the seamier and dodgier side of life, through the eyes of a starship pilot. Looking forward to reading more about Sipov!
Yuliette Marayan Dr.
Thu 16th Jul, 2020 @ 6:26am
For Nikki's excellence in bringing to life a new and different, yet logical and well thought out, aspect of Brown Sector and for developing an economy for the place that has nothing to do with latinum but makes perfect sense. The 'distinguished' part of this award is no polite nicety. Her 'story within a story' about the luftuf in her Elery's House post was, I thought, brilliant. Nikki is a gifted writer, and we are lucky to have her and Yuliette with us.
Yuliette Marayan Dr.
Sat 4th Jul, 2020 @ 3:28pm
Since coming aboard SB109 Nikki has been on fire with her writing. She hit 12 posts with her PC, that's pretty impressive for her first month. Nikki also has a very high quality of writing and her posts are a pleasure to read. Once you read a post you just cant wait to see what's next.
Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena
Fri 30th Aug, 2019 @ 8:35pm
Since Charlene has come aboard, she has been very active with Joint Posts and ahs created interesting NPCs as well. She is a very good writer and makes the Posts fun to write.
Lieutenant Commander Dallas Briggs
Thu 1st Aug, 2019 @ 4:43pm
Mike came on board raring to go and started JPing with lots of energy! He also created NPCs right away, and fluffed out the manifest a little more. He's just created one which will serve as a Klingon ambassador and both he and Mike's main character have added to the base story line in interesting ways.
Lieutenant JG Artyom Mikhailov
Tue 21st May, 2019 @ 1:50pm
From the moment he came aboard, Robert has been hitting people up for JPs and getting going on them. He already has 2 posted, and a third ready, (and at least two others started) and he's been on the base less than 2 weeks. For jumping in with both feet, I nominate Robert (LTJG Mikhailov) for Distinguished Newcomer Award.
Captain Ranulf MacBain
Fri 27th Apr, 2018 @ 9:28am
In only two weeks, MacBain's posts number 12! He has tapped many of the crew to JP with him, and been enthusiastic about whatever posts come his way.
Lieutenant Thomas Maynard
Sun 18th Jun, 2017 @ 10:11am
Further to receiving Writer of the Month, I think Tom has really made his mark coming onto Vanguard with his excellent opening posts and willingness to jump into JP's with anyone willing! Keep up the good work!
Captain Eee-eee-rie--eeee-eek Nightingale D.Sc
Thu 14th Feb, 2013 @ 5:54pm
Since coming back to SB Protector with a new character, this player has really created a different and unique individual. With excellent posts and a well presented personality.