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Fri 14th Nov, 2014 @ 11:26am

Captain Eee-eee-rie--eeee-eek Nightingale

Name Eee-eee-rie--eeee-eek "Songfish" Nightingale D.Sc

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Velorian
Age 499

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 147 Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Silver/Blue
Physical Description The Velorian people have a bluish skin tone, with hair ranging from fire-red through black and into some rather vibrant blues. They also have almost not noticeable gills on their necks, and have webbed feet.

Mrs. Nightingale is not very different from this rather generic description. She can sometimes be difficult to pay direct attention to, in direct light, though that is due more to the effects the light plays on her aquatic field generator, than anything else.


Spouse None
Children Velorian puberty does not complete until the early 500's, during which the Velorian female finally becomes fertile.
Father (Unpronouncable), No nickname taken
Mother (Unpronouncable), "Jordan"
Brother(s) (Unpronouncable), "John"
(Unpronouncable), "Jeffery"
Sister(s) (Unpronouncable), No nickname taken
Other Family Uncounted, and slightly hard to trace uncles and aunts.

Personality & Traits

General Overview While Doctor Nightingale, as most people refer to her, is certainly a scientifically minded person, being one of the original people on the design team, who helped design Velorian faster-than-light drive, she left Velor IV, not because she wanted to further her scientific knowledge, through Starfleet Academy, but instead, to find something sorely missing on Velor IV: A structured lifestyle that fit her atypical for her species Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Her English isn't translated, which is unusual among her people, though it can be high-pitched, and strain the ears of the more delicate, when she gets excited, or angry.

She is generally a hard-to-get-to-know person, being a scientist first, a marine second, and a person third. She often neglects things like 3 meals a day, for long baths, long work-out sessions, and overworking.
Strengths & Weaknesses +High work ethic
+Well versed in most sciences
+Physically fit, and combat-effective
+/- Marine-grade dedication to her job
-Requires Aquatic Field Generator or an Aquatic environment for at least 16 hours a day. Typically, she just doesn't take it off.
-Often painful to listen to, due to the pitch of her voice when speaking untranslated english, and the length she can often speak.
Ambitions A structured last 100 years of her life that will mean something, is usually the answer you'll get, though it's exceptionally cryptic, as par for the course, when trying to get personal details out of the woman
Hobbies & Interests As one expects out of an Aquatic woman, her favorite past time is studying in a bath tub. Typically speaking, it's scientific papers, though it does stray into murder-mystery fiction. She is also rather fond of keeping a very strict physical fitness plan. She is, however rather private, and prefers to do so, in the confines of her own quarters, rather than in a public gym.

Personal History Being the runt of all her parents' children, she didn't hit her first major 'growth spurt' until she was nearly 200. This entailed a great deal of ridicule, as you might expect, because resembling a 3 year old for 195 years is not something most people would enjoy, when everyone else looks 9 by this period. This resulted in her being left behind by most of her peers, so she did not tend to follow 'traditional' Velorian raising practices, instead spending "Unhealthy amounts of time" with the scholars, rather than the hunters. The result is a woman who can calculate pi to 1200 decimal points in her head, but couldn't catch a fish with an automated net.

When Starfleet first made contact with Velur IV, the small ship's crew, including the woman, three other scientists, two engineers, and three of the land-dwelling members of Velur IV, the "Delasi", who were there testing mining lasers, and piloting systems, most of the Velorian crew did not have names that could be readily understood by non-Velorian or Delasi eardrums, without causing bleeding.

As such, a rather heavy 20th century movie buff, Gunnery Sergeant Robert Tyler, named the four women "The Legs, the nose, Mrs. Robinson, and Mrs. Nightingale", by accident, and was surprised when the four women accepted such nickname-titles. The Delasi, naturally, already had recognizable names, given that Delasi language was better evolved for air-speech than aquatic-speech.

Being just the second Velorian off of Velur IV to enlist in Starfleet, Doctor Nightingale had to work very hard to differentiate herself among her people's eyes, from the firebrand, Lee-ee Maddison Tyler, who met the aforementioned Starfleet Marine, Robert Tyler, during a diplomatic conference, promptly fell in love, got married, and rushed off planet in an absolutely unheard of pace for Velorian mating practices.

She briefly served aboard several marine vessels as a scientific adviser, however Starfleet had difficulty maintaining her, and Maddison Tyler's, medical requirements, on smaller vessels, and transferred both of them to larger postings, with more varied equipment.
Service Record 2381-2383: Starfleet Academy
SFMC Bootcamp
Touch-up courses for Scientific Doctorate Equivalent recognition

2383-2384: USS Pollux
Scientific Advisor to SFMC detachment aboard Medical Vessel
Acting Assistant Chief Science Officer after (Classified Event).

2384-2387: USS Aescalpus
Scientific Advisor to SFMC detachment aboard Medical Vessel
Assistant Chief Science Officer

2387-2389: USS Aescalpus
Scientific Advisor to SFMC detachment aboard Medical Vessel
Appointed Chief Science Officer in 2387 after (Classified Event).

2389: Transferred to Starbase Protector(Medical Concerns)