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The Interview

Posted on Tue 17th Jul, 2018 @ 3:13pm by Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels & Eddie Hunt

728 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Casino Hotel, deck 1553
Timeline: MD2 1100 Hours

"I'll hope we can keep the media away, but you might want to put together a statement for them, as well," Kellian warned as Eddie led him to (seating).
Kellian danced his fingers over his PADD and pulled up a witness statement form. "Could I get your full name, Mr. Hunt?"

"I will get one together in case they want to speak to me, but will only do so if I'm spoken to. It's Eddie Hunt. With I-E, not a Y," Eddie said.

"Thank you," Kellian said. He noted Hunt's age and occupation. "Our XO here used to be a guy named Hunt. Anyway, I would like for you to tell me in your own words how you came across the body, what you did after discovering it, and so forth. I will ask you questions from time to time just to clarify certain things. Please make your answers as truthful as possible, because you could be subject to prosecution if you willfully make a false statement or say something here that you do not believe to be true. When we finish, I'll have you read what you said and make any correction. Then I'll need for you to sign the document to affirm that you agree with what appears in the text. Do you have any questions before we start?"

"He was my brother," Eddie said, before continuing. "No questions from me. Where would you like me to begin?"

"Who was your brother?" Kellian asked, wondering where that had come from. Then he realized and gave Eddie a startled look. "Wait a minute. Are you saying Commander Zachary Hunt was your brother? Was?"

Eddie smiled at Kellian, "Yes, was. He passed away a few months back now. I've come to the base to spend some time where he worked and see if there is any opportunities for me here." He explained.

Kellian blinked at him. "Damn. I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't know your brother well because of rank differences, but he was a good guy. Had a sense of humor, which many in his position seem to lose. I'm glad you decided to come here."

He gestured toward his PADD. "This will record what you say and then convert it to text. Once it does, I'll have you sign it to affirm that this is what you said. Then I'll go over the text and organize it if necessary so it can be presented in court. That doesn't involve changing any facts; it only means organizing the information in a way that a judge will find easy to go through, and cleaning up grammar."

"Ahhh it's okay, life gives us all roadblocks that we have to overcome and a common one of those is death. And that's fine about the recording," Eddie said, ready for the questioning.

"All right, then," Kellian said, "When did you find the body, Mr. Hunt?"

"When I came and looked over the casino. I was looking round it to see what needed fixing up as I have recently bought it. I moved on to the hotel area and when I went into the swimming area, the body was there, floating in the pool. As soon as I saw it, I called it in and waited outside. So not long ago really," Eddie answered.

Kellian noted the current time on his PADD and went on. "Whom did you buy the casino from?"

"It was being listed with an Estate Agent. I can't remember the name of it, but I have it at home somewhere if it is needed," Eddie said.

"Yes, I think I might need to talk to them," Kellian said. "Are they here on Vanguard?"

"Yeah. I can't remember the name off the top of my head. Something like Century Estate, the guy who dealt with me was called Oto."

"I think I've heard of him," Kellian said. "Thank you. I'll talk to him, as well."

Kellian proceeded on through a few more questions, checked them over, and at last nodded. "I think that's everything, Mr. Hunt. If there turns out to be anything else I need to ask you, I'll be in touch. For now, if you'll look over the verbatim transcript, ensure that it's what you want to say, and then sign off on it, I'll be on my way and out of your hair."


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