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What the Cat Dragged In

Posted on Wed 18th Jul, 2018 @ 12:34am by Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro & 2nd Lieutenant Carlos Vasquez

797 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Near-space, SB109
Timeline: MD 2, 1430

"This is your captain speaking. Thanks for flying Arrow Spacelines. We know you have many options for travel and appreciate your choosing us," Beck joked. "Seriously, folks, we'll be dropping out of warp in about 2 minutes and then back at the base with another 30 or so of impulse drive, so gather your toys and be ready to get back to real life."

"Much appreciated, Captain Beck. I would recommend Arrow Spacelines to all my friends..." Baro joked as she went about securing the equipment and cloaking device. She was still amazed at the Vulcan the others found. Most unexpected, she was glad the woman was ok.

As soon as the small ship dropped out of warp, Beck contacted Flight Control. "Starbase 109, this is Arrow-17 returning to base, with 2 escort fighters. We have picked up a foreign object and request Dr. Addams meet us at docking. There is no, repeat, no contamination on the object; however, we don't know about the interior. Please have a containment field standing by."

"Arrow-17, this is 109 Flight Control. We have you on screens and estimate arrival in 28 minutes. Containment will be standing by, and Dr. Addams is being notified. Welcome back to the barn, 17."

"Nanny One to Nanny Two--You think we should change our callsigns to Orderly for the rest of this mission?" Vasquez asked.

"Orderly Two to Orderly One. Sure, since the mission is about finished, you think of that!"

Flight Control's estimate was right on the nose. "Arrow-17, this is Starbase 109 Flight Control, directing you to Docking Bay 47 where a medical team is arriving and Dr. Addams is in communication. Containment field ready for deployment if needed."

Beck maneuvered the Arrow into position and brought it in slowly. "Doctor Addams, we brought you a present. The only thing we know is it's a Vulcan female approximately 80 years of age. She appears to be inside a stasis pod inside an escape pod, and that is why I asked for a containment field. Just too darned many unanswered questions."

"Understood, Arrow Seventeen," came the Doctor's smoky contralto across the comms. "We are standing by on the quay to examine your guest and transport as required."

"Okay, Orderly Two, let's take this princess in and wake her up," Vasquez said. "You're gonna have to do it, brah, 'cause I'm married."

"That only means you're the one with all the experience in kissing princesses," Brandt shot back.

Vasquez laughed. "And that means you need the practice, dude!"

"Coordinate on the count of three, two, one, Go!" His tractor worked in perfect synchrony with his wingman's, and they brought the pod in and set it gently down on the designated spot before disengaging.

"Just like putting the baby to bed, right?" Darrell laughed.

"Just like," Vasquez replied. "I hope Addams will give us updates. Little Kitten, you want to join us for beers about 1800? We can toast the princess and celebrate living."

"Sounds like a good day for it," Rebecca said, maneuvering Arrow 17 into it's slot and letting down the entry ramp for others to leave. "You have a place in mind?"

Vasquez thought a moment. "Mm...The Lower Lounge, maybe? Or 10-42? We might be too rowdy for the likes of O&J."

"You two definitely are," Beck responded as she shut down by the book. "Pub 10-42 sounds good to me. He has good food, and I can tolerate the music most nights. See you there at 1800."

By the time Beck had completed shut down, everything had been off-loaded, so she wandered to the nose of the craft to watch the landing bay. A group of containment-suited figures with tricorders and other sensors were busy around the life raft. Medical, Beck figured, but it was really not her concern any more.

Baro was late to the gathering outside the craft as she and her team were carefully hauling the cloaking device on a counter grav unit, "Everything good with our new guest?" she asked as she paused with her burden near them.

The captain shrugged, "I haven't heard otherwise. Do you have everything you found out there?"

Baro nodded, "Aye, we've cleared off your craft, should be just as we found it. Rather glad we didn't come across any pirates while we were there, so we had time to look. We're going to take it be analyzed." She paused as a thought occurred, "And not being shot at is good, but I expect you'd have been able to get us out." She said it sincerely, one never under estimated pilots; the good ones were geniuses at being where phaser fire wasn't. A worthy goal.

Rebecca smiled at her, "Thank you for your confidence, but I'm also just as glad they weren't there. Always better not to have to dance with death."


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