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Purchasing a Pet

Posted on Thu 2nd Aug, 2018 @ 6:21pm by Eddie Hunt & Maia Dalton & Wyatt Keller

851 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Cosmic Creatures
Timeline: MD10 1200 Hours

"I think she's asleep." Maia set the sleeping baby down in her bassinette which had been strategically placed out of the way near the counter and away from the larger animals. As owners of the shop, Maia and Wyatt were able to keep their niece once in a while so that Adam and Jasmine could work or have some time to themselves and know their daughter was in good hands.

"That was easy." Wyatt grinned as he wrapped his arms around Mai's waist and looked into her eyes. "Maybe we could make one too."

Maia laughed and pushed Wyatt away playfully. "Maybe we could but it won't be here or now." She walked away and did a small skip as Wyatt slapped her backside playfully.

"Open the door Romeo, lunch is officially over and we're open for business." She shook her head and began her work feeding the animals.

Wyatt flipped the sign on the door and opened the gate indicating Cosmic Creatures was once again open.

Eddie had been sitting outside on a bench, waiting for the shop to open again after lunch. He briefly looked away from the shop to people watch before spinning his eyes back to the door which now showed the shop as being 'open'. He got up and walked over, he took another glance round his shoulder at the people walking around him, before pushing the door open and entering the shop.

"Hello, Welcome to Cosmic Creatures." Wyatt greeted the man with an offered hand. "Can we help you find something?"

Mai joined the two men with a smile. "Hello."

"Hello, I'm looking for a pet just to keep me company on the base. I'm not too sure what, but my head is saying a cat," Eddie smiled at the pair of them. The shop was a welcoming experience.

Mai jumped in being a cat person herself. "We have four kittens ready for adoption, already litterbox trained. IF that's what you're looking for. You really don't strike me as a cat person though, more of a dog person. We have a couple of pups too but it all depends on what you're looking for." Maia sometimes got away from herself when she was talking to customers about her animals. She loved finding good homes for them.

Eddie raised an eyebrow, "Honestly, I can't stand dogs. If anything, I am a bit scared of them, especially when they bark and jump up. I much prefer cats." He smiled, wondering how someone can distinguish what a dog or cat person actually looks like.

"Really? And you look so laid back and casual." Maia smiled. "Well, let's take a look at the kittens then. Shall we?" She inclined her arm toward the door near the back. "This way and I'll show you what we've got."

"Brilliant," Eddie said, smiling back at the lady and then followed her through the back.

Maia took the man to another large room which was set up as a cat's paradise. The walls were boarded with small platforms for climbing, there were large panels covered in ropes for scratching, and several enclosed cat beds for napping were provided. Five adult cats and several kittens roamed about and played. Maia pointed to two kittens, one all black and one a dark calico. "Those two are too young but the burmese kittens," She pointed to the corner, "They're ready for their forever homes."

Eddie inhaled in, "Wow, it's certainly a cat haven in here. Seems a shame to pluck them away, but I guess they do want a home."

He observes the Burmese kittens and watched as they roamed around. One of them was grey all over and sat observing the other cats, before the kitten's eyes flicked to Eddie's. It was a weird sensation, as if the cat wanted to be chosen by Eddie. "I think that grey one has eyes for me," Eddie joked to Maia.

Maia nodded, "Sometimes cats seem to know what they want. It's lovely to see when it works like that. Is that the one you are going for then?"

Eddie nodded in reply, "Yes, I think that's it. That was easier than I thought it was going to be!"

Maia smiled, "Sometimes it is easy for some people, other times people find it hard to find the right pet for them. I'm glad it's worked out, plus it being a kitten going straight into a home is a good thing." She picked the small grey kitten up, "Would you like a cuddle?" She asked Eddie.

He smiled and took the small kitten from Maia. The cat looked him in the eyes and purred.

"She certainly does like you. If you follow me, we will get a small cage for you to take her in and any other bits you need. Assuming you need some play bits and food for her?"

"I do! The more accessories the better, let her have a little play zone at home or something," Eddie said, stroking the cat on the head, followed by another purr.

"Perfect. Let's see what we can do then!"


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