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Amok No More

Posted on Mon 11th Jun, 2018 @ 11:24pm by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Jacen Miller & Lieutenant Commander Alora Baro

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: In the Region Where Samurai Was Attacked
Timeline: MD 9, Late in the Day

Previously ...

"Engaging brakes, orbiting hull in 20 seconds," Beck announced.

Baro nodded at the Captain and sat down, grateful for the advanced look-see. There was something haunting about the wreck, deserted and damaged as it was. She didn't speak, not wanting to distract their pilot. In her imagination, she could see the solid lines and shapes that it may have had new. She could see it in her mind, superimposed over the wreck, and she felt a kind of emotional pain to see a craft so damaged, to know the kind of suffering its crew likely went through when their home failed them.

In her mind she released the image of the new ship from her imagination to focus on the as is. When they finally parked, her plan was to do a full scan before determining if a walk-about was needed.

"We're in orbit and will circle the hull approximately every 20 minutes until you direct otherwise," Rebecca told the Chief of Operations. "Now, except for making sure our Arrow remains stable, you are in charge." Glancing back over her shoulder at the room where others were preparing in their own ways, she smiled. "Have fun with that." Beck set automatic scans to run and leaned back, watching as the ship seemed to drift past their sensors.

"Thank you Captain. My plan is to first analyze what we can from a distance before any closer looks." She immediately went to a better station to pull up the available sensor data. "Attention everyone. I'm going over the data if anyone wants to meet me in the main sensor suite section." She also set up regular scans to continuously give updates.

Miller sighed as he stood up. "I think I'll join you. Otherwise, I might just die of boredom."

"You're certainly welcome, I want to pull what I can from their systems before we move on to the less intact debris." After any others arrived who were interested she went over the data quickly:

Gross Vehicle Mass is estimated at two hundred tons, with an approximate cargo rating of 80 tons. The class is rated for four crew, but is often operated with fewer. There are accommodations for ten humanoid crew and/or passengers. There was a remotely-operated weapon turret, but it is damaged and inoperative. The cargo bay is open to space, and no cargo remains. There are no organic remains present.

"And the ship's computer is not responding to any remote attempts to connect, so we'll have to go over in full suits. Everyone up on their trainings?"

Jacen nodded in mute agreement. He didn't like space walks, the suits made him feel trapped. However, his curiosity was getting the best of him. Besides, the suits restricted his access to things. Things that he may very well need in an emergency.

"I'll remain with our Arrow," Beck said. "After checking with our escort that it's safe, I can get you close, but I recommend jet packs and tethers, both. The tractor works, if you get off course going over, but I haven't done a lot of tractoring with biological forms. Cargo doesn't complain too much." No one could tell from her presentation whether she was kidding or not, and that was just how she wanted it. It was safer to have more options.

"Alright." Baro said, "Miller and I will go, rest will remain here.." She turned to Beck, "You have command, I'll be trusting you organize rescue if something blows up in our faces!" she smiled.

"Will do, Lieutenant," Rebecca nodded. She didn't expect anything to go wrong, but who ever does.

Baro turned to Miller, "Let's get suited and over there, time waits for no man, woman, thing...." She smiled briefly then lead the way to the suits.

"Of course...We wouldn't want to be late, now would we?" Jacen replied as he followed her over. He picked one up and regarded it with thinly veiled contempt. "You know, it amazes me that for all of the advances in technology we've made in the past few centuries. EVA suits have remained relatively unchanged. Now why do you suppose that is, Baro?"

Baro paused in putting on her own suit and thought about it, "I rather think it's a case of higher priorities, this works and there's so much else to improve so why not focus on that instead."

As much as he was starting get cramped in this ship and how he wanted to make a personal visual inspection of the debris, Andrew wasn't exactly fond of taking a stroll outside in an EV suit to debris that may or may not contain a few surprises their scans haven't been able to pick up. Remaining at his station, he was content reviewing the sensor data and debris remotely, for now.

As the two officers prepared to suit up, Andrew spoke up, "Just make sure if something unusual does happen to give a detailed description over audio so we can all share the experience," grinning slightly. "And also, be safe and no unnecessary risks. You know, the standard Starfleet spiel before things start to get interesting."

"Ah, I knew I forgot something." Baro jogged over to one of the boxes she'd brought and opened it. "I wasn't sure we'd need these ...." She pulled out two head cameras to attach to the suits about forehead level. She handed one to Miller. "These will transmit what we see. I tried to plan for anything I could think of, so I may have overdone it." She looked at the other boxes in the area.

Jacen looked at the camera Baro had handed him. He chuckled a little bit, remembering the stories his great-grandfather had told him about "GoPros" and a website called: "YouTube." He attached it to his helmet and turned to Baro

"At the very least, we can always post any humorous happenings to the Federation Streaming Service. Who knows? Maybe we can get five minutes of fame out of this?"

Miller moved over to the Arrow's weapons locker and removed a Phaser Rifle from it and slung it across his shoulder. "Care for one, Lieutenant?"

Baro looked over at him, "I've a pocket one that'll do; besides I'll need my hands free and I'm a bit weighted as is..." She gestured to her suit that was carrying strapped gear and the like. It was compact around her body but really didn't leave room for something like a phaser rifle.


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