
  • 14 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

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Thu 30th Aug, 2018 @ 12:27am

Lieutenant Jacen Miller

Name Jacen James Miller

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 220 LBS
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Jacen is a nondescript man, of average height and weight for a male human of his age. His years in the intelligence service have given his face a dull and generally disinterested look about it. One which some have suspected is merely an act. He has short, but slightly shaggy, light brown hair. His eyes burn with curiosity, and are the only things that betray the otherwise dim facade he puts on for the world.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Kenneth Michael Miller
Mother Rebecca Jane Miller
Brother(s) Two twin older brothers: Kaiden Robert Miller and Aiden Alexander Miller
Aged 32. They run a well known winery and brewery in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York, along with their younger sister.
Sister(s) One younger sister: Amara Rose Miller. Aged 26. She keeps the books and is the public face of the family business. She is the only one of the younger Millers in a serious relationship. She is engaged to her College boyfriend Kira Yamato, who also works at the family business.
Other Family Several Uncles and Aunts, along with a large group of cousins. No nieces or nephews, yet.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jacen is a quiet, but inquisitive man. He is calculated, with everything he does. He listens far more than he speaks, and never says more than he absolutely has to. Because of this he appears to be standoffish. He is always researching something, though few are able to figure out if it is for business or pleasure. He can often be found reading on a PADD in the lounge. Usually while listening to whatever music is playing. He can often be seen tapping his fingers or feet to the beat. Despite his standoffish nature, he cares deeply for the people that he works with. He hates sending them in to danger, and would rather risk his own life over the lives of the people around him. At times has shown a disdain to the chain of command, and has always cared more about results than the ethics used in getting them.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Intelligent

+/-Inquisitive: This can lead him to great discoveries, yet can side track him from the task at hand

-cares little for authority
-morally and ethically ambiguous

Ambitions Even Jacen himself is unsure of his ambitions for the future.For him, completing the mission has always been enough.

His family has repetitively asked him to resign and join them in the family business, but he can't bring himself to leave the only life he's known as an adult
Hobbies & Interests Jacen has a refined palate and has a taste for good wines and good beer.
He has played several musical instruments, off and on, through out his life.
He plays numerous games of chance and strategy. Poker and traditional chess are two of his favorites. He studies Washin-Ryu Karate, and is a competent swordsman

Personal History Jacen was born and raised in the Finger Lakes Region of Upstate New York.
He spent much of his formative years alone hiking the plentiful trails and gorges in the region. Always an eager student, Jacen was never one for sports, and focused heavily on his studies. He outpaced all of his peers, and graduated his high school the same year as his older brothers.His only foray into athletics was when he took a karate class art a local do-Jo on whim. One class turned into three, and three turned into ten. Eventually he became a regular student, and became one of the youngest black belts the style had ever seen.

He was accepted into Star Fleet Academy immediately out of high school, but took year off before accepting this appointment. Upon reporting to the Academy, he continued his pattern of academic excellence there.
Service Record 2380: Graduated High School, Accepted in to Star Fleet Academy

2381: Reports to Star Fleet Academy, San Fransisco, Earth.

2385: Graduates with Honors from SFA. Specializes in Intelligence and Covert Operations. Accepts commission as Lt. Jg.
Assigned to

2387: Assignment to completed with special notes of exceptional service. Put on leave while awaiting new assignment. Leave lasts 6 months.

2387: Assigned to deep cover mission on
2388-89: Star Fleet Command loses contact with Lt. Jg. Miller on
Late 2389: Lt. Jg. Miller emerges from deep cover assignment on His report contained several troubling actions taken, that which gained positive results, violates the ethics and moral expectations of a Star Fleet Officer. Formal punishment is waved, though a reprimand is placed on his permenant record as a result of this.
2390: Promoted to LT and assigned to the Office of Naval Intelligence, earth.

No other official records exist.