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A Loss By Any Other Name

Posted on Tue 12th Jun, 2018 @ 6:51am by Eddie Hunt

858 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 12, 1650

Jade felt a great sense of loss as the words of Zachary's death poured over her. Daily, she made friends with people she knew she'd outlive, but on a starbase, most of them moved on, as she had presumed Zachary Hunt had done. They faded from her memory in time, leaving little to grieve after a few years. But this ... this was too soon.

"The commander was special. I'm truly sorry to hear that he died. My condolences. Excuse me, I forgot about your pie."

She hurried into the kitchen and leaned against the door a moment, getting her bearings. It's just the surprise of it, she thought to herself. I'll deal with it later.

After a moment, she went through the second set of doors, and asked the dessert chef, "Do we have that apple pie ready?"

"Yes, Ma'am," the young man replied, handing her a shallow bowl with a large slice of pie and a scoop of fresh-churned ice cream. "Sorry, we got busy there for a few minutes, or I would have had it out to you."

Jade smiled at him pleasantly. "That's alright. It looks wonderful, thank you." Shortly, she was back with the new Hunt brother.

"Here you are, and ..." she put three napkins and a fork and spoon next to the plate, "something to use besides your fingers. Ice cream is so messy with fingers. Actually, so is Marin's pie."

Eddie had noticed the suddenness of Jade's departure into the kitchen but didn't think anything of it. He had seen all kinds of grief around him; after all, his whole family had died in different circumstances.

He chuckled at Jade's statement. "I find a lot of things can be messy when it comes to food, well the good stuff!" He took a bite of the pie. "Wow! This is really good! I can see why Zach told me to visit this place! Have you always had the same chef? Or is it just the recipe that is amazing?"

"Marin has been with me about 18 months. My previous chef moved to a planet to open his own restaurant. He was good, but I think Marin is better. And it is her recipe. I was fortunate to get her out here, and I'm doing everything I can to keep her." Jade laughed, "She's worth every strip of latinum I pay her."

"If the rest of the food is anything like this, then she certainly is! I hope you tell her that every day too!"

For a moment, Jade watched him enjoying the food. This was why she was in the business ... this and the music, of course. "Are you just visiting, then? Touring Zachary's life, perhaps?"

He looked up at Jade and smiled. "Ummm no, not in so many words. He had told me I should visit the base one day, so I thought I would make his wish come true. I've done it in my own way and bought the casino in Tivoli Gardens."

He finished the rest of the pie before continuing. "That really is delicious! So yeah, setting up business here basically. Before I decide what I want to do with my Starfleet career."

"Oh? You're in Starfleet, then? Interesting that both of you would follow that road. Or did he follow you into service? He talked about you, of course, but not his family history, or organization, really," Lantz told him. "Are you on the command track as well?"

"I am, indeed. I always wanted to be in Starfleet, but Zach did it to spite our Mother. He was always more intelligent than she thought, and he certainly proved it before her death. I am the Chief Communications Officer, well when I go back ... if I go back."

"So you're trying life as a business man now. Are you looking for something to tie you to a place, now that your family is gone?" Jade retrieved the pitcher of orange juice and refilled Eddie's glass. She well knew how a place could offer an anchor when everything else was gone.

"Yes and no, I'm not really sure what I want. I was looking at opportunities and, if played right, the casino can be profitable, whilst seeing the base my brother resided over and hearing stories of him. I'm not so worried about a place to be tied down to, as I do love working on ships and exploring the unknown. Maybe I should start to settle down," Eddie pondered.

"Time will add dimension to all your thinking," Jade said. "There's no hurry to make a decision, is there? You'll like Starbase 109, but it may not become a permanent home. There is a universe of possible futures."

"No, no rush at all. I will take each day as it comes, besides I don't see myself running a casino for the rest of my life. Hey, you never know, a Chief Communications job might come up here one day, heh."

Jade nodded thoughtfully. "I think it was a human philosopher who said All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds."


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