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A Rose by Any Other Name

Posted on Sat 5th May, 2018 @ 5:32pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Maia Dalton
Edited on on Fri 18th May, 2018 @ 2:02am

415 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Keller Home

Jasmine had been released from sick bay three days now and was happy to be at home relaxing with her beautiful daughter. She missed her work but was in no hurry to go back at this time. She was enjoying this bonding time with her daughter and working diligently on choosing a suitable name. She'd been brought to tears more than a few times over having to call her child 'the baby'.

Today was the day, however. Jasmine was determined that between Maia and herself, they would come up with a name that Adam and she would agree on. The two women had taken the baby to the promenade, the arboretum, and back home.

"What about Abbigail? Or Allison?" Maia tapped into the computer and pulled up a list of names. "Aura, Agnes, Althea?"

Jasmine gave a small laugh. "Are we going to list all the names in the alphabet?" She lifted her newborn from the cradle and held her up at arms length so she could look at her. "Why don't we just call you Zelda and get it over with?"

Maia laughed. "Zelda was NOT on my list."

Adam walked in the door at the exact moment to hear Maia laughing. "Well that's a good thing." He leaned in and kissed his wife as he looked adoringly at the baby in her arms. "My daughter won't be called Zelda." He shook his head. "She needs a name that means something special."

"Okay, daddy," Jasmine grinned at her husband. "What do you have in mind?"

Adam grabbed a beer from the replicator and took a swig. "I got nothing...but it won't be Zelda." The three adults laughed. "Hey what about something from old Earth, Hawaiian names like Moana, Ohana, Aloha all have beautiful meanings or Leilani.

"Leilani?" Jasmine mulled the name over. "I like that. Leilani, what does it mean?" She asked as she put the baby in the cradle kept in the living room by the sofa. She carefully lay the sleeping angel down on her back and pulled the soft white blanket over her before moving to the console to look up the meaning of the name.

Maia looked over her shoulder. "Heavenly flower, just like a beautiful star. It's perfect."

"Leilani it is then. Leilani Dawn Keller."

"Dawn?" Jasmine asked Adam where that had come from.

"Because she is the Dawn of our life together." He kissed his wife and they both looked on at their daughter, Leilani Dawn.



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Comments (1)

By on Fri 18th May, 2018 @ 2:02am

A lovely name for a rose, or for a new baby!