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What About the Honeymoon

Posted on Wed 4th Apr, 2018 @ 7:26pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller
Edited on on Wed 4th Apr, 2018 @ 8:07pm

734 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Buddhist Temple Garden

The pair were pronounced husband and wife and the Captain told them to kiss as the crowd cheered. There was sudden silence as a look of fear crossed Jasmine's face.

"I water broke." She whispered to her husband with a sheepish grin. "I wondered if I wasn't having contractions"

Adam brushed a curl from Jasmine's face and then scratched the back of his head. "Let's get you to the tent and I'll get the doctor." He smiled trying to stay calm but doing a very poor job at it. But when Jasmine doubled over with a strong contraction, Adam quickly lifted her into his arms. He looked around at the guests and found who he was looking for.

"Doctor Addams, I believe your services are needed." He saw the woman stand and he hurried to the tent meant to be the place for them to dress for the reception. Setting Jasmine on the bench, Adam stood back to wait for the doctor to examine her.

Chlamydia, still as naked as a jaybird, entered the tent in the wake of the newlyweds. She reached to tap her combadge, then remembered that it wasn't there. She knelt beside Lieutenant Collins, and took her wrist. There was a tap on her ankle, and she looked down and back, seeing Thing there with a medical tricorder. "Ah," she said with a smile. "Way to lend a hand, Thing!"

"Is she having the baby? I thought we had a little more time?" Adam paced nervously as Chlamydia went to work. He managed a double take of Thing but thought it best not to ask.

"Forgive my husband, Doctor Addams," Jasmine smiled up from the bench as she caught her breath. "He's never had a baby before." Jasmine began panting again as her face curled up into a look of fear and pain. "Then again, neither have I. Should it have come on this suddenly? I mean I've had some minor discomfort on and off all day but.."

"Not to worry," Addams said. "I have attended dozens of births, and yours..." she looked over the readings on her tricorder. "Is not abnormal." She fiddled with the tricorder for a moment, patching its auditory stream into the base com system. "Addams to Duty Triage Nurse."

"Ensign Grabtah, Doctor. Go ahead." It was odd, the voice coming from the tricorder in her hand, but needs must when the devil drove.

"I need a float gurney and a couple of burly corpsmen at the temple complex on deck 1554," Addams said. "Beam them directly, and we'll be taking a lift back."

"Understood, ma'am. Three minutes." The line closed with a click and a chirp.

"Now," Addams said, making sure to meet the eyes of both Adam and Jasmine, "there is nothing to worry about. You've just entered active labor, which generally lasts upwards of six hours, especially with a first-time birth. I'm going to take you to Medical and monitor you, just to be sure, but you..." she pointed at Adam, "keep breathing, and you..." she pointed to Jasmine, "relax as best you can."

"Keep breathing. Right." Adam nodded as if he'd been given a necessary command. When he realized, he smirked. "I think I'd rather be in combat right about now."

"I imagine you are not the first to feel that way," Addams said, shutting her tricorder. "Nor shall you be the last." she glanced down at herself, noticing her lack of clothing. "My Corpsmen will be here any moment. Jasmine, you're in no danger. I'll be back in a moment." She slipped out of the tent.

Jasmine smiled. She had relaxed some after the doctor had examined her and told her everything was normal. She even noticed that her contractions, though strong, didn't seem to hurt quite as much as she was able to breathe through them. She looked at her husband. "Maybe you should put some clothes on and let the others know what's going on."

"Pretty sure they're aware of what's going on." He smiled at her.

"I'm sure they're aware, but it might be nice to tell them that I'm okay." She looked at her husband. "And as much as I don't mind looking at you, maybe you should put some clothes on for the walk down to sick bay." She grinned as another contraction hit. This time, she was able to breathe through it much easier.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 10th Apr, 2018 @ 12:34am

Sweet honeymoon in Sickbay. LOL Love it!