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My Other Brother Henry

Posted on Wed 4th Apr, 2018 @ 2:15pm by

775 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 4, 2130

"So, what's your story, Jade? I've heard a lot of things that couldn't possibly be true ... or could they?" Isabella showed a big grin on her face as she cut an eyes at her new friend.

"I have no idea what you've heard," Jade said, "but I'd imagine 50% is probably true. I love jazz, I play the alto sax, and I own this club. Most of anything else about me is totally boring. Now, jazz, that is not boring. I learned to love it in my years on Earth. There was a wonderful little club in San Francisco where they played all the music you hear in Orchids & Jazz. Have you been to San Francisco? Other than the Academy, I mean. Really explored the city?"

"I've never really had time to explore the city itself," Isabella explained as she made herself more comfortable at the bar. "When I was in Starfleet Academy, I was always in the books trying to be at the top of my game. Actually, that's part of the reason why I am here on Vangaurd. I had an opportunity to write my own ticket, and I took it."

"Now that's certainly impressive," the club owner said, making herself comfortable by leaning to one side against her beloved antique wood-topped bar. "There aren't many who can make that claim. I'm glad Vanguard was your choice, and I think you fit in well here. I'm curious, though, why you chose us."

"Honestly, Vanguard is not necessarily in the heart of the Federation, and I like that. Before I came here, I did undercover work for Sigma Six. I was out on my own a lot." Isabella decided to choose her next words very carefully. "I needed something more stable and familial if you know what I mean."

"I might. Sometimes, when life singles us out, there's a need to take comfort in others. We've developed that sort of relationship here, with my long-time employees. We're all alone, more or less, but together, we're a family. The base has many possibilities for finding a place to make a family of one kind or another. Or to watch families be. To protect them, in your case, so they can be." Jade replied thoughtfully.

"You're absolutely right about protecting family." Isabella said as she happened to look in the mirror behind Jade. A smile begin to creep onto her mouth and a tear in her eye. "And protecting is what I have to do for this one walking through your door." Isabella turned around and was ecstatic to see her brother. "Well Chief, it's been a while. Who salutes whom these days?" she asked as she met him in the doorway and gave him a warm embrace.

"Well, last time I looked at the pips on my collar, I was a Lt. Commander," Henry said as he returned his sister's embrace.

"Jade, I would like to introduce you to my brother, Lieutenant Commander Henry Perry. Samurai's Chief Engineer."

Jade reached her hand over the highly-polished antique bar. "Commander Perry, it's very nice to meet you. I'm sorry I can't say I've heard a lot about you," she smiled. "Your sister hasn't been on Vanguard long enough for us to have exchanged many confidences yet. I can definitely see a family resemblance, though. Have a seat and tell me what you'd like to drink. This one's on me, as you tell me how you come to be passing through Vanguard right when your sister has been stationed here."

"Well honestly, Samurai limped into Vanguard by ... unfortunate circumstance," the Chief Engineer sadly stated. "We were attacked and a third of our crew didn't make it." Shocked, Isabella placed her hand on her brother's back to comfort him in what little way she could. " Vanguard is the closest base we could make it to without losing any more people."

Henry looked over to Isabella as a tear came across his face. "I'm just glad I made it here to see you, sis." He unexpectedly hugged her, catching her off guard. Isabella didn't quite know why the hug shocked her so much. Her brother was always more emotional than she was. Always telling her that he loved her and making sure they didn't leave for a long time without a long and warm embrace. But she felt the pain and loss he was feeling through this embrace. SO, she did the only thing she knew to do. Just hold him.

"Wow, big brother. Things were really that bad out there, huh?" she asked as she continued holding onto to him.

"Yeah, but I'm here with you now, Bells."


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