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A Nice Day for a Nude Wedding, Part 3

Posted on Fri 30th Mar, 2018 @ 12:27pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller & Maia Dalton

764 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Deck 1554, The Riverwalk Buddhist Temple
Timeline: Current

Jasmine stood in the small tent provided near the garden dressed in a white silk kimono. Her hair hung in curls over her shoulders while small braids were woven like a veil while small cherry blossoms seemed to hold them in place. The gown she would wear after the ceremony hung in its place waiting for her. She'd prepared for this day forever it seemed and now that it was here, she couldn't help but feel the butterflies of anxiety flitting around in her stomach. The baby hadn't moved in a couple of hours but Jasmine wasn't concerned. She knew that once she settled down, the baby would act up.

She and Adam had chosen this date because of the blooming of the Cherry blossoms. As timing was perfect, any small breeze would bring a rain of pink and white petals down on the bride and groom and their guests adding to the beauty of the venue. The backdrop of the temple garden would make the most beautiful wedding venue and with special permission, they were allowed to use the Torii gate as their altar. The chairs were set on either side of the rice paper path that Jasmine would walk to meet her soon to be husband. Everything was in front of the Torii so as to prevent any unintentional desecration of the holy area behind the Torii in the sacred grounds of the temple.

In another tent nearby, Adam paced in a black kimono. He too would be naked for the ceremony as part of the tradition of his family and Jasmine's. He had no hesitations about the nudity but he was anxious to get the ceremony over with. He'd sent Jasmine a silver jeweled necklace in a silver Betazoid gift box with the message that he loved her and that he couldn't wait to be bonded with her. He had received in return a silver box with the face of a female character. The face was cute but not special. Although it made Adam grin as it slept, waiting to be awakened by his voice.

"Wake up," He spoke to the box.

"Good afternoon Mister Kellar." The salutation made Adam stop and look. He'd assumed the gift box had come from Jasmine. "Brigadier General Alexander and Doctor Deylenn Collins send you greetings and welcome you to the family." The box continued to speak. "We regret we are unable to reach Starbase Vanguard in time to witness your bonding and hope you understand." The box opened and the face went to sleep. Adam reached in and pulled out a small box and opened it. Enclosed he found a set of antique diamond cuff links. He smiled and set the box on the corner table. He wouldn't need those till later.

Once the music started, Maia took off her kimono and faced Jasmine. "It's time hon. You ready for this?"

"I've been ready for this for a long, long time." She smiled as she slid out of her own kimono, her swollen belly looking almost ready to burst. "I only hope I don't throw people off looking like this." She indicated to her belly with her hands. "But it's all about the openness and the love right? What better way to show it than a belly ready to give birth."

"You look beautiful, and I think everyone out there will think so." Maia peeked out of the tent and back. "Adam and Wyatt are about in place. It's almost our turn." She checked her veil before picking up the two bouquets they would carry. Jasmine's flowers were red roses and white orchids while Maia's flowers were all red.

Everything was ready in the Tent of Celebration, and Jade slipped into the crowd just before the bride appeared. Her long lavender silk dress went over one shoulder, baring the other, but that was as much concession as she was willing to make to Betazed custom. The Sakura blossoms would make a lovely sprinkle on the wedding party. Already, the groom showed several in his hair.

Maia and Jasmine stepped from the tent each wearing nothing but a veil and carrying their flowers. As if on cue, a breeze kicked up and the pink and white petals floated down like downy covering the path in front of Jasmine and adorning her veil. She smiled at her guests and then made eye contact with Adam. After that, everything else disappeared.

As they stood in front of their commanding officer, the pair never lifted their gaze from each other until the Captain spoke.


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