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A Question to Ask

Posted on Wed 26th Jul, 2017 @ 1:00am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

2,023 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Various
Timeline: Current MD

Adam had taken care of everything, down to the last detail. He even had a dress sent to Jasmine that he felt would be perfect for her. Maia had helped him pick the size and color. He'd had it sent to her with a bouquet of pink, peach, and yellow Hawaiian Jasmine and a note saying that she was more beautiful than the flower that shared her name.

When Jasmine got home from her shift, she saw the package and eagerly opened it. After reading the note which included an invitation to dinner and dancing, Jasmine pulled the beautiful dress from the box. It was perfect. The dress was a formal A line gown with a full organza and silk skirt and strapless sweetheart neckline. The muted colors of the flowers that adorned the blush colored silk under the translucent organza matched the pastel colors of the Hawaiian Jasmine in the bouquet. Jasmine quickly showered and pulled her hair back into a side braid. She had white Jasmine flowers woven into the braid and finished it with the larger blossom of the Hawaiian Jasmine. Blush ballet slippers finished off the outfit.

The note said that he would arrive to escort her out for the evening at 1900 hours. He wanted to walk her around the promenade and enjoy the sites of Unity week. He also wanted to be sure everything was ready at Orchids and Jazz.

His hair pulled back in a tail, Adam wore an all black double breasted suit. He turned several heads just walking down the corridors toward the lift that would take him to Jasmine's quarters. He felt confident even though he had no idea what Jasmine would answer. He straightened his tie and jacket before chiming the door.

When Jasmine answered the door, Adam was speechless for a moment. "Wow, you look....amazingly beautiful." He finally managed through drawn breath.

"Thank you." She smiled. "You look pretty amazing yourself." She smiled and took his offered arm.

Orchids and Jazz was hosting its usual dinner crowd and Adam could feel Jasmine's hold tighten on his arm. He smiled at her as he walked her past the busy tables toward the stairs which had been closed with a velvet rope. "The upstairs is for us." Adam explained as he opened the rope and escorted Jasmine through. "Miss Lantz was kind enough to close off a portion of her establishment for the two of us. She understands how uncomfortable you are in crowds and wanted to help make you feel at ease."

Jasmine smiled. "I can't believe you did all this just so we could have dinner out."

Jade watched the progress of two special guests of the evening as they walked across to the stairs. She smiled at how attractive a couple they made, and the romantic evening which lay ahead. She'd asked Docha Nata, who was singing until midnight, to include all her most romantic songs after the couple arrived.

"Jenna, I'll get the upstairs," Lantz said.

Jenna grinned, "Can't resist a little romance, can you?"

"Nope, never can," Jade said, picking up an ice bucket containing a specially made bottle of non-alcholic champagne - little more than white grape juice with fizz, actually. She deftly added two champagne flutes to her carrying hand and went forward to slip by the discreet sign that read: Loft closed for remodeling.

As she reached the top of the stairs, she stopped a moment to admire the beautiful hand-painted silk screen work on the dark carved wooden frames, nodding in satisfaction. Continuing on t the table where the lieutenant had seated the woman he loved, Jade placed the bucket on a small side table and greeted her guests. "Good evening. Welcome to Orchids & Jazz. I've acquired a special drink for you this evening, completely non-alcoholic. May I pour your glasses now?"

"Thank you. Yes." Adam was nervous but managed not to sound as jittery as he felt.

"Your place is amazing." Jasmine smiled. "I'm sorry I've never been here before." For some reason Jasmine found it easier to talk to this woman. Much like Adam, she felt a certain safeness with her.

Jade set a glass in front of her and smiled. "You're here now, and I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Still smiling, she set a glass in front of Adam. "Since it's non-alcoholic, there's no wine ritual involved. It's a very good vintage for this month." Her comment was tongue-in-cheek, and it was alright if they didn't even notice. They really had eyes only for each other, and that was as it should be.

"I'll leave you two to relax for a few minutes, and bring your salads in about ten minutes. Feel free to take advantage of all the empty space to dance. No one will observe you behind the screens I had set up for privacy." Jade walked toward the stairs as the dulcet sound of Docha's voice began the notes of a 1940s love song, I Love You For Sentimental Reasons. Perfect timing.

"Would - would you like to dance?" Adam asked Jasmine before his nerves left him. He was already standing and offering his hand. His mind reeling, he wasn't sure he'd make it to dessert to ask the question but he wanted to try. Jasmine deserved this night...even if she said 'no'. He of course hoped she would say yes to him.

Jasmine quickly took his hand and stood. Soon the couple was sweeping across the dance floor to the song.

When Jade returned to the loft, the soft strains of "Unforgettable" were wafting toward the couple. They were dancing so that half their steps took them outside the screens for a moment. It looked like two who would make one as they swayed softly to the music. Lantz leaned against the railing until the song finished, trying not to remember when she had been half of a onesome.

Docha had a 15-minute break now, and she and the combo would be back with more romantic music afterward. Jasmine and Adam stood for a few moments, just holding on to each other before he stepped back and slid his hand down to intertwine his fingers with hers and lead her back to the table behind the screens.

Jade debated whether to break the romantic mood by bringing appetizers to the table, but finally decided Adam HAD ordered dinner, so he knew there would be interruptions. She walked forward and set an apple, raspberry and clotted cream verrine in front of each of them. Without saying a word, she walked away, thinking they might not even have noticed her interruption.

Tasting the appetizer in front of her, Jasmine couldn't help but let out a sigh. "By the gods, this is amazing."

"You're amazing Jasmine." Adam smiled at her. "I want tonight to be completely perfect for you." He took her hand from across the table.

"It is perfect." She smiled back at him. "The food, the music, the company....Everything is beautiful." It was perfect. Jasmine had never felt so comfortable but she couldn't help sensing tension from Adam.

Adam waited until the plates were cleared. He knew he'd have a few moments before the next course was served. He searched the table for what he was looking for and lifted her glass. "Would you like more to drink? He asked as he dropped the small object to the bottom and poured a small amount of the 'juice' into it before handing it back.

Jasmine nodded in gratitude as she took a sip. The ice shifted enough for her to catch a glimpse of a rose gold band. Curiosity got the best of her and she tried to pry it from the glass. "There's something in my drink." She informed Adam. He smiled and got from his chair moving to her side.

"Let's have a look." He took the glass and fished out the ring. "Here, why not wipe it off with your napkin so we can get a good look at it." He handed her a linen napkin that had been placed on the table as requested. In red letters, the message on the napkin was quite clear. The ring is yours if you'll be mine. Before the words sunk in, Adam was on his knee presenting the ring.

"Jasmine, I know that this is sudden but, I love you." He took her hand. "I think I've loved you since that day we ran into each other on the promenade...and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and our baby...and maybe even more babies." He slipped the ring on to her finger and asked the question. "Jasmine, will you marry me?" He held his breath as he waited for her answer.

"Wha? " She was stunned by the question, but it didn't take her long to regain herself. As tears of happiness trickled from her eyes and glistened on her cheek, she nodded her head. Her hands cupped Adam's face. "Yes." It was a whisper but loud enough to be heard. "Yes, I will marry you...Yes, I will be yours...forever."

Before either could say anything else, their lips were locked in a passionate embrace. In that very moment, Jasmine didn't care where she was or who could see her. She felt safe and loved. Adam and their child had become her whole world. "I love you Adam."

Jade was keeping a discreet eye on the balcony area, and when she saw Adam sink to one knee, she signaled the band the wrap up motion. They finished Moon River on the next phrase and then, at a nod from the owner, swung into a much later piece of music than was usually heard in Orchids & Jazz. It was one specially requested by the Intelligence Officer for this moment. The smooth syncopation of the music was quite appealing, even without the words, and Jade found it difficult to repress the desire to tap her hand or foot.

"I love you Jasmine." He held her tightly as he purred the words to "I knew I loved you" in her ears. His deep voice didn't hit the notes the way the song was normally done but his performance was more than acceptable to those who heard it. Jasmine blushed and smiled as he moved her across the dance floor to the music of the band, her gown shimmering with each turn and change in the music.

Maybe it's intuition
But some things you just don't question
Like in your eyes, I see my future in an instant
And there it goes,
I think I found my best friend
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

There's just no rhyme or reason
Only the sense of completion
And in your eyes, I see
The missing pieces I'm searching for
I think I've found my way home
I know that it might sound
More than a little crazy
But I believe

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

A thousand angels dance around you
I am complete now that I've found you

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life

I knew I loved you before I met you
I think I dreamed you into life
I knew I loved you before I met you
I have been waiting all my life."

When the song ended, the pair kissed again before Adam lead Jasmine back to their table to finish their perfect evening.

Lt Jasmine Collins
Chief Science Officer

Lt Adam Keller
Intel Officer
NPC'd by Lil


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 26th Jul, 2017 @ 8:26am

Hooray! Our first proposal on Vanguard and it was a yes!