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Expect the Unusual

Posted on Tue 13th Jun, 2017 @ 12:41am by Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi

781 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: 636 - Asuran Exhibition Hall
Timeline: MD 01 - 1200 hours

Caroline Post looked at the small stand to the left of the door into the Asuran Exhibition Hall. There were few dignitaries on the stand, embarrassingly few. No one in the command chain had been assigned for the opening of the Unity Exhibition. There were security guards lurking around the venue, and a Yeoman whom she believed to be assigned to Colonel Drake.

A few consulate representatives had shown up, and stood on the stand chatting with each other. A large crowd of mixed species were awaiting the cutting of the ribbon, and it appeared that task had been assigned to Lt. Kiralbi, of the Intelligence Section. Interesting choice, she reflected.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you to pan the stand and the crowd, Handsome," Caroline said, telling him anyway.

"No ma'am. Lots of coverage recording," he replied.

"Make a note. I want to interview Kiralbi later," she told him, still scanning the crowd. Her eyes landed on the Sec/Tac department head. "And Eberstark, too. I wonder why he's in the crowd instead of with security."

Making his way through the growing crowd, Andrew was surprisingly satisfied. He envisioned a thousand different ways this could have gone wrong, but was assured by Security that everything was fully under control. Nevertheless, he found himself remaining on high alert as he watched the ribbon cutting. Of course, another part of him was actually curious to see what he, Lt. Dal's, and the rest of the crew's efforts delivered. Immersing himself in another culture was something Andrew did purely for strategic purposes. After spending the time to actually study the cultures however, he had to admit it was more than just duty that made him join the crowd.

Making his way to the front, he nodded to the security officers while noticing a familiar face in the crowd. He assumed she would be here documenting the event, but hoped the Federation Corespondent would be focused purely on the ribbon cutting. Finally coming to a vacant area to the side of the platform, Andrew came to a stop waiting for the official ceremony to begin.

Flavia Smith led her children and husband, who brought up the rear, down the street to where they could get a fairly decent view of the stand and podium outside the Exhibition Hall. They were all looking forward to the parade that evening, but Flavia particularly wanted to see the cultural exhibits. There was no telling what kind of contacts she might make inside, and what new plants might be represented in displays.

"Herodia, keep a tight hold on Terminus. Even in the harness, you know how easily he can find trouble."

"No weeps, Mom. I have him on a short leash," the 13-year-old replied.

Alerio elbowed her. "He's not a dog, Hero."

She gave him a dark look and asked, "You want Termy responsibility?"

"Not me!" he exclaimed. "I'm watching Gloriana and Claudia."

Herodia rolled her eyes. "As if they are ever a challenge."

"I'm a challenge, right Dad?" nine-year-old Ianus asked, gripping his father's hand.

Marcus laughed, "Every day of my life, son. Every single day."

They stopped because Flavia found a good place for the large family, and she sighed. "Remind me again why I thought six children was a good idea?"

Marcus merely winked at her.

"Welcome, Gentle Beings!" a man said from the stand. "Let's hear a cheer for Unity Week!"

The moderate-sized crowd roared, "U-ni-ty, U-ni-ty, U-ni-ty!"

"That's right! It's Unity Week and we're the first venue to open our doors. Let's give a hand to all those who worked so hard to bring you this cultural exchange, and the consulates and businesses who supported them."

The crowd clapped with some enthusiasm, but remained well-behaved. Caroline wondered how long that would last, as more and rowdier venues opened.

"Are we ready to cut the ribbon, and get this week moving?" the man asked the crowd.

They roared back a resounding, "Yes!"

"Then if Lt. Kiralbi would step up here, we have the perfect scissors for the task! Let's give the lieutenant a hand, too."

She wove her way through those on the stand to reach the Master of Ceremonies amid increasingly enthusiastic applause. She smiled towards the crowd as she made her way up, her beautiful smile gleaming in front of all the people. Her blond hair was waving behind her as she walked. She nodded towards the man with the scissors and took them from him, ready to cut the ribbon. She smiled, and shouted to the crowd, "Ready for the countdown, 3! 2! 1!" The crowd shouted alongside Coco and after one she cut the ribbon amidst all the cheers.


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