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Security on the Vanguard

Posted on Thu 15th Jun, 2017 @ 11:22am by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar
Edited on on Mon 26th Jun, 2017 @ 2:26pm

1,148 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Chief of Security Office

Brock was preparing to report to his commanding officer Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar. He had been up since 5.00am even though the meeting was for 8.00am. He was a little nervous, it always a bit nerve wrecking meeting the new boss. Although he had only ever heard positive things about the new boss.

In fact, Brock had been to couple of his seminars on criminal investigations technique on Earth and had even mention him in his Thesis for Master’s degree. Although he did not always agree with some of his techniques he knew that he was a great investigator. But he was now the boss and investigating was only a small part of his responsibilities. This was always going to be Brock’s problem with promotion, he loved to be an investigator and promotion meant less and less investigating. But this problem would be for another day. For now, he was an investigator and for long as possible that is what he would stay.

Brock like most security officers was very punctual and hated to be late, so he left his quarters with plenty of time. He has pressed his uniform the night before and was still getting use to the two gold pips as he had recently been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

Brock arrived at the large Security Facility on-board. He had studied the schematics and headed straight to the Chief of Security Office. He was ten minutes early and took a seat outside waiting for 8.00am.

Jekkar had a PADD in hand and a fresh cup of tea as he waltzed down the hallway towards his Office. The Commander had enough of a workload to contend with since he got additional staff, pickpocketing was on the up and the handling of stolen goods was prominent. But he approached his Office and noticed the Human Officer stood outside and took a note. Punctual.

Brock saw Jekkar coming towards him and had stood up, he instantly recognised him from the seminars on Earth. He approached the Lieutenant Commander, "Commander Jekkar, Lieutenant Johnson reporting for duty." Brock stood smartly to attention.

The Andorian Commander nodded as he proceeded into his Office. "Yes I wasn't expecting you until bang on the hour mark so nice to see you are punctual."

"Yes Sir, my mum always told to arrive 10 minutes early for important meetings." Brock was rarely late for any appointment. A good Strafleet officer in his opinion was always on time. "I can take a seat again until you are ready to see me Commander?

Solan shook his head. "No it's perfectly fine."

Brock walked into the boss's office and as with everything on a starbase it was a big office. He was curious if he would get an office of his own. What would the setup be within the department? Would he and his boss get on?

"If you'll take a seat for me Lieutenant Johnson." He said motioning to one of the pair of vacant Chairs opposite his desk. "I'll just pour myself a cup of tea and then we can get started." The Commander proceeded into the alcove part of his Office and came back with a silver pot and two cups. "I always drink fresh in the mornings."

"Yes Sir, it is the only way to drink tea, replicated tea just ain't right." Brock took a seat on the chair that the Commander motioned at. He smiled to himself, tea in a teapot!

Brock suspected he and his new boss would get on fine, because you can't have a decent tea unless it has been brewed in a pot. The big question though is he a milk first type of guy.

Jekkar poured his tea and then applied his milk before taking a seat in his Chair.

Brock accepted the cup offered to him by the Commander, he politely took a sip. The tea was exquisite, it had a homely taste to it. "Just wanted to thank you Commander for allowing me onto your team."

The Andorian nodded. "From what I've read you have a solid reputation in all your previous Assignments and Vanguard needs the experienced Staff." Jekkar took a sip from his tea. "There are going to be around 22 maybe 23 new faces in the Security Staff." Jekkar said as he keyed into the interactive display.
"15 Enlisted, 5 NCOs and 3 Ensigns." Jekkar pointed out to Johnson.

"That is a lot of movement." Brock took another sip of his tea. "And what do you see my role as being?"

"Well on a Station this size Investigation Specialists are a dime a dozen and I will be expecting you to be on the front line so to speak." Jekkar commented. "Lieutenant Summerby has transferred from the Night Shift as my Assistant for the time being, Lieutenant Michaels is taking some leave for personal reasons." Jekkar sipped his tea and sat back. "Myself, Summerby and you will be part of the Daytime Senior Trio."

"I hope that I won't let you down." Brock really meant it. "I have a few questions in relation to the Department?"

"I'm all ears." Jekkar said as he sat back.

"How many investigators are on board?"

"Best count there are about 8 Investigators." Jekkar said. "Though it does fluctuate."

"Do we have a forensic investigation team?"

"No we do not." He said shaking his head.

"Do we have any intelligence officer attached to the team?"

"Nope, no need for it." Jekkar commented.

"Makes things simple. Anything I need to know, take on?"

"Security Offices overlook the Promenade Levels, my Office and the Investigation Offices are on this level and so is the briefing room." Jekkar said as he switched to the interactive display. "With several hundred levels, we have security points on each deck, and the Custody Suites are located here and here." He pointed. "Day time we have staff on each level but at night we have one officer to every other level."

Brock did not envy the task the Chief of Security has on such a big starbase. "Looks like a good set up and I hope that I will become a vital member of your team. So, do you have anything for me Sir?"

The Commander nodded. "I've assigned you your first case, nothing too much for your first day." He smirked as he handed him a PADD. "Some minor Graffiti in the Barden District."

Brock smiled at the Commander whilst taking the PADD. Brock was a little disappointed that it was only a graffiti incident, but he would so his best. “Well I best get started on this then Sir. So where is my desk?”

The Commader pointed to the far corner. "Go through those doors past the Enquires Desk third room on the left." He commented.

With a final exchange of handshakes and nods the two men went about their business and carried on with their work.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Wed 21st Jun, 2017 @ 11:04am

A nice insight into the working of a security department on something the size of a Stardock class!