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Hunt's Admission

Posted on Tue 16th May, 2017 @ 5:54pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Colonel Horatio Drake

664 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 12: CO's Ready Room

Hunt let out a sigh to himself. He had avoided the inevitable for so long. The time was now. He had spoken to Paul about everything and he gained confidence in knowing he wasn't in the wrong. He wasn't sure how Drake would react, but surely it wouldn't go well. If his time on Vanguard was up, then so be it. If his career was up in Starfleet, then so be it. He knew he was doing the right thing in telling Drake and maybe one day Drake would see that. Maybe he would see that Hunt didn't have much choice in the matter, and that pretty much anyone in his position anyone would have done the same. Then again, he might not. The time for admission is now. The. Time. Is. Now.

He pressed the chime outside Drake's ready room and let out another sigh to himself.

"Yes, come in" Drake snapped, as he considered how hard it would be to remove the chime. It seemed like every time he sat to get some work done, the infernal chime sounded.

Hunt walked in, an overwhelming sense of dread over him. "Morning Sir."

"Commander, what can I do for you?" He gave him a cursory glance from the PADD he was reading. On it, was the combined reports of everything that had taken place in Section 49 Alpha. Now, he was attempting to write his report to Starfleet Command... he was finding it difficult.

"I have something to tell you, Sir. You won't like it, but I feel it is only fair on you that I tell you," He looked directly into Drake's eyes and proceeded to tell him what had happened between Rear-Admiral Drake and himself. "And that Sir, is what I wanted to tell you."

Drake's grip on the PADD had got tighter as Hunt told his tale of lies and deceit until, on his last sentence, he felt the screen crack under his right thumb. His eyes were locked onto the Executive Officer's... his muscles tight... he could feel his left hand start to tremble with anger, the adrenaline simply had no where to go.

The two remained like that for a while... ten seconds? Thirty seconds? It was hard to gauge, it was as if they were stuck in some sort of temporal anomaly which brought time to a stand still.

"Get off my station" the words left Drake's mouth as a whisper... barely audible. He was using every ounce of strength he had to remain seated behind his desk, but he couldn't hold himself for much longer - he hoped, for Hunt's sake, that he didn't challenge him.

He could see the anger which welled inside Drake and wasn't surprised with the response. "Sir I-I," He stuttered. "Yes, Sir. I apologise for everything you've just heard me say." Hunt turned towards the door, without glancing back. Time would tell how Drake would be in the long run, but it was an order for him to get off the station, so that's what he had to do.

Drake sat in silence for the next half an hour, his grip on the PADD and his desk slowly loosening. He couldn't believe that the very man who had backed him for so many years, had now betrayed him. He had employed officers, under his command, to spy on him. He could feel the anger subside, back to its usual levels of simmering below the surface. Who, exactly, was he mad at? It was a valid tactic and one that Drake would have probably employed himself - was he mad that it had been done to him? Was he mad that his Uncle, clearly, didn't trust him any longer? Either way, Hunt had to go - he had betrayed him more than anyone else. The fact that he had come clean now, was a small consolation. How much information had he fed back? His thoughts drifted as he sat, in silence, alone.


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 17th May, 2017 @ 2:55am

Nicely played. I felt a twinge of sympathetic desolation for Drake at the end, and sorrowful resignation to his fate from Hunt.