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The Casino is Opening

Posted on Thu 18th May, 2017 @ 9:15am by
Edited on on Thu 8th Jun, 2017 @ 2:14pm

918 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Unity Week
Location: Casino Royale, Owner's Residence, Deck 1553
Timeline: Between Missions

Jonny had woken up and quickly jumped out of bed, getting himself ready. He had to look good, he had to spend the time to look the part. He showered every morning to ensure a fresh start, even if it meant waking up earlier than need be. He shaved every other day, so he kept the stubble on his face to give him a rough look. Followed by slicking his hair back. It always looked so greasy, but that was how he liked it and how everyone was used to it. He had just finished running the comb through the back of his hair before sniffing. Breakfast.

He walked down the stairs to see Amanda in the kitchen, cooking. Amanda was his wife, whom he has two kids with - Samantha and Harry, who also lived with them both. The residence was a five minute walk away from the casino and hotel but far enough away for no one to bother them. The house was immaculate and big, part of the agreement to create the casino in Tivoli was that Jonny could build a house near it and that is what he done. It comprised of three floors and various different types of rooms on each, even his own holosuite in one of the rooms.

He walked over to Amanda and wrapped his arms around her. She was wearing one of his tops that covered the top half of her body, but it wasn't long enough to cover any leg. "Something smells good," Jonny said into Amanda's ear, pausing. "And it isn't the bacon you're cooking." He started kissing her neck.

"Jonny! Stop it, the kids are sitting at the table!" Amanda said, whacking him with the spatula she had in her hand.

He laughed, his laugh was a deep and slow laugh, almost croaky, "They're old enough to know what grown ups do," He threw Harry and Samantha a glance and winked at them.

"Eurgh, Dad! You're disgusting," Samantha moaned.

Harry let out a laugh, "It's true though Sam. You're just upset because you can't get any."

As they were talking Jonny had walked behind Harry and clipped him round the ear after he said that. He let out an 'Owww'. "Don't pick on your sister."


Jonny clipped him round the head again, "No buts."

There was a brief momentary silence as Jonny sat down with the two children, Amanda still cooking in the kitchen. The silence was interrupted by a fairly big built man bumbling down the stairs, a crop of brown hair falling over his face. "Morning all. Another beautiful morning in the heart of Vanguard!" He beamed.

"The family clown is up," Sam muttered under her breath.

Uncle Rob had been close to Jonny ever since he was young and someone he saw as his guide through his life. His whole family was all that mattered, and they all worked hard for what Jonny wanted, after all he was the one with the gleaming horde of riches. "Every family needs a clown," Uncle Rob replied to her, also taking a seat in the kitchen. The seating was timed to perfection as Amanda finished the breakfast, dished it up and gave it to the family. A full English fry up was always the best way to start any morning. They all tucked into the grub in front of them before Jonny asked Rob, "So how close are we to opening night? Are we on schedule?"

Uncle Rob continued to chew the sausage he was eating, sputtering bits in front of him as he spoke, "We are less than a week away, 5 nights time are when we said it would open, and 5 nights will be when it opens. I can't believe you still won't see it so close to finishing."

Jonny had refused to go into the casino during building. He had drawn up the plans with his architect and overseen everything from his home, but he saw it as bad luck to enter whilst it was still unfinished. He could see how well it was looking from the house, although it was a five minute walk away, he could see the top of the casino from there and the tall hotel behind it. It always made him smile as this was always what he wanted. "You know I see it as bad luck Uncle. And being this close to opening, I don't want to jeopardize anything."

"Superstitious nonsense again," He spluttered more sausage everywhere.

"Maybe so," He paused and looked at Sam & Harry. "And have you two finished your training?"

Harry nodded, whilst Sam decided to speak, "I'm nearly done, but not quite yet."

"Good, just make sure you're done my opening night, we can't afford any mistakes from anyone. Least of all from the family," Jonny stated.

Harry and Sam were both having active roles in the casino when it opened. One of the few members of staff that were getting trained in all areas of the casino, including the hotel and restaurant. They could do anything when they were short - they could be a dealer, they might help run the restaurant if need be, or if they pissed Jonny off, they could be cleaning the dishes.

They all mopped up the rest of their breakfasts and went to get ready, leaving Jonny and Amanda sitting there. She could tell how much excitement was flowing off of Jonny. This was his dream, this was their dream!


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Fri 2nd Jun, 2017 @ 9:11am

Nice introduction to this character set!