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The Escape

Posted on Tue 16th May, 2017 @ 2:48pm by Colonel Horatio Drake

501 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 27: VIP Guest Quarters
Timeline: End of Mission

Drake could still feel the shivers dissipating over his spine after the shocking realisation that he and Michaels had just stumbled upon. This shock was quickly turning into anger.

"Computer, locate Admiral Dobbs"

"Admiral Dobbs is in his quarters" The monotone reply informed him.

"Drake to Winchester"

"Winchester here" His thick Northern Irish accent was unmistakeable.

"Meet me at Admiral Dobbs' quarters, bring a squad of Marines" He should have been calling Jekkar to meet him with a security detachment, but once a Marine, always a Marine... or something like that.

"Understood" He replied, without question or hesitation.

Five minutes later Drake emerged from the turbolift, on deck 27, having stopped at a weapons locker he now brandished a standard type 3 hand phaser. He preferred the Marine version with increased grip and curvature, but this wasn't the time to be picky. He glanced to the left and saw Winchester route marching down the corridor with nine soldiers in tow, four of which were wearing tactical armour. All were equipped with rifles, hand phasers, concussion and explosive devices. Winchester clearly wasn't in the mood for messing about.

"Behind me" Drake said to Winchester.

Without so much as a word, Winchester directed the Marines through hand movements to adopt a tactical stance behind Drake, covering all angles and putting space in between themselves.

Drake stopped dead in his tracks, rounding the corner in front of him was Admiral Dobbs, PADD in his hand he looked up but there no shock or surprise at the armed men in front of him.

"Colonel Drake, is there anything the matter?" He smiled a sickly warm smile, but looked genuinely confused.

"Admiral, please come with us... we need to..." He was cut off. In one fluid motion Dobbs dropped the PADD that he was holding in his left hand, simultaneously reaching round behind his waist with his right. He pulled out something that looked like a type-3 phaser almost immediately releasing a brilliant bolt of blue energy from it... had it been upgraded? It sailed past Drake and slammed into the chest of a Marine on his left... one that was not wearing tactical armour. The smell of burnt flesh filled the corridor. Before Drake could raise his phaser, fire was already being returned in the direction of Dobbs... but he had started running and was temporarily out of sight going beyond the corner he had rounded moment earlier.

Six men, including Drake opened into a fast pursuit but found themselves in a dead-end corridor with only three doors. Two of which were vacant quarters, the last belonged to the Admiral. All three were quickly cleared out by the Marines.

"Where did he go?" Drake frowned as Winchester approached him, tricorder in hand.

"I've picked up a faint transporter energy signature - it looks like he had a back up plan" He replied, without even knowing exactly what it was he was supposed to have done. "I'll alert station security."

"Don't bother" Drake holstered his phaser. "He's gone".


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 17th May, 2017 @ 2:52am

Oh, a bit of swashbuckling action! Nicely played except for the Marine who wore a red shirt and had to die. =)