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I Need A Pet, Please!

Posted on Tue 9th May, 2017 @ 2:08pm by Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi & Maia Dalton & Wyatt Keller

1,510 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Cosmic Creatures, Deck 625

Coco was fed up with all the work she had to do since the Chief Intel Officer disappeared. Her work load had somewhat tripled in size, and by the time she finished working, she had no time for relaxing, just eating and sleeping. She usually went to the gym or was found playing an instrument, but lately had no time for either. What she really enjoyed though was archaeology. If her career never took her down the route of Starfleet, she would have been a historian and would carry out archaeological digs around various planets. There was something fascinating about knowing history, but it was something else to find history and see it in front of you and even hold it in your hands. She semi regularly used the holodecks to create elaborate archaeological digs, sometimes it would take her months to complete it, but once again - she rarely had time these days for that. Maybe when a new Chief Intel was on board and her work load went back down in size she would.

Today though, she decided she needed a pet to keep her company for the time she actually managed to get to spend in her quarters. She managed to get an hour after her shift to get onto the Main Promenade to visit Cosmic Creatures. She had spoken to Adam about wanting to get a pet, to which he told her that his brother was actually one of the co-owners of this place, so she decided to pay it a visit. She entered through the door. It looked exactly what a pet shop would look like, tanks filled the shops of various species of fish, as well as cats and dogs.

Maia had just finished feeding the smaller caged critters when she saw someone come into the shop. They'd been busy this week and had sold through many of their dogs and cats. Even some of the smaller predatory animals had been sold to owners who had been well screened for suitability. There were still several large animals left canine and feline alike but Maia preferred to fuss over the smallest of the marsupials, the small sugar gliders. She also tended to prefer the hedgehogs and the Bajoran Petaurus. Wyatt, on the other hand preferred to 'play' with the canines. He was a trainer at heart and although most of the dogs were used for pets and sold as puppies, they were all given some basic training in behavior. Cosmic Creatures never sold a pet that wasn't at least house broken.

"Hey Mai, have you got anymore of those biscuits? I think this little Graveler missed out." Wyatt didn't look up as he walked around the corner but when he looked up for the answer, he noticed that someone had come in. "Oh hello. Can we help you?" He smiled that familiar smile of the Kellar family and the accent was just as familiar. He lifted his arms showing the graveler. "Just feeding the family. Is there something we can show you?"

The blond woman smiled as Wyatt spoke to her, "He's adorable. Cute little place this. I'm looking for a pet, obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be here. I'm heavily worked and would like something to come home to overnight and relax with. So something that can nurture itself I guess during the day? If that's possible?"

"Hmm, something that can care for itself during your shift..." He looked over at Maia. "What do you think Mai..A cat would be perfect or a Kneazle which is pretty much a cat." he shrugged. "Do you have any allergies to animals or dander?" He asked. It was important to screen each potential owner before helping them select a pet.

"We have some low maintenance dogs as well. Or we have some small caged critters that would be suitable to your needs as well." Maia added. "You're welcome to look around and see if there's anything that peeks your interest."

"I have no allergies at all, well to peanuts, but that's it! I don't really like dogs, they scare me a little bit, not too sure why! Can I have a look at your cats? And also can you show me some of the smaller critters?" Coco asked.

"Our cats and kittens are over here. And we have Hedgehogs, Sugar gliders, and Rhyl over here in the room next to the felines." There were several other species in small cages where Wyatt indicated. Ferrets, weasels, chinchilla, guinea pigs, and hamsters all in suitable cages adorned the walls. The gliders even had room to glide from one tree to the next in their communal cage.

"Oh, these Sugar gliders are so so adorable! Look at their little eyes," Coco watched with wonder. "What do they eat?"

"Well Sugar gliders are omnivors but if they eat animal proteins they tend to smell a little musky so we give them protein pellets made with nuts and berries but with enough protein to keep the animal healthy for their entire lifespan of 12-16 years. And you can give them a slice of apple, pear, or some banana as a treat. They like all fruits and most veggies." Wyatt explained while Maia took a small Sugar glider from its cage. It fit in the palm of her hand.

"He's about eight weeks old. Which is just the right time to bond them with new owners." She grinned. "They'll bond with you much like a dog or cat. The'll learn their names, look for you to come home...even hide in your pocket to go with you."

Coco listened intently to the pair of them, "May I hold him?" She asked. "I can take him with me, where I go? That's cute!"

Wyatt smiled. "He'll bond with you. They're very intelligent animals. They don't chew and aren't destructive like rodents. They're marsupials so none of the bad odors or habits of most of the smaller creatures. And they're very clean." Maia handed the small creature to the woman as Wyatt spoke.

"We try not to let too many handle them because we don't want them to bond and not be purchased. They'll get lonely if they bond with someone and that person doesn't come for them." Maia explained.

"Do they have anything that would put me off buying them? And I understand," She said as the creature stood on her hand. "And what sort of environment do they like?"

"The first thing you need to know about a Sugar Glider is that they like companionship. They're a colony animal and do better emotionally if you have a pair of them." Maia explained. If the woman was truly interested, she needed to know everything. "They need a big cage with lots of toys and we'll give you a sleeping pouch for them. They will cuddle down inside like in a nest. They're nocturnal but you can use the ship's lighting system to trick them into sleeping when you do."

"They sound amazing. I would very much like to get one," She kept looking at the creature on her hand and smiling, it was so adorable and just what she was after!

"We would love to sell you one," Maia nodded as she took the small creature back. "Are you looking for a male or female. Or can we tempt you to take one of each so yours isn't lonely?" She walked to the large cage where multiple sugar gliders were frolicking.

"Either, whichever one is the most adorable. I only planned on having one, but if I can take it with me, it shouldn't feel lonely right?" Coco asked.

"That's true," Maia nodded. "But please if you bond with him, you can't leave him. They can die of loneliness." Maia picked up a small blue pouch made of soft fleece. She held her finger out to a branch and chirped like a small animal. The same small male they'd been handling scooted toward her and into the pouch which brought an instant smile to her face. "He must have decided he liked you too." She handed the pouch to Coco.

"I won't leave him, that's a promise," She replied

Wyatt had already gone to the back and was prepping a suitable cage for the animal. He included the vitamins, chow, and a couple of appropriate toys that would give the glider something safe to do. The cage was approximately a meter high and had a large base but inside was a much smaller cage with a small fleece pouch much like the one Maia had handed Coco.

"You'll want the smaller cage until you've bonded then he'll need somewhere to play safely." Wyatt explained. "I've given you enough food and toys to get you started. If you have any questions or concerns, we're always here."

"This is really fantastic! Thank you," Coco beamed with excitement.

Wyatt and Maia watched as Coco walked out with her glider. "She's gonna be a great glider parent...I think she has more energy than it does." Mai smiled.


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