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Unvalidated Concerns

Posted on Thu 11th May, 2017 @ 1:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark

980 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 577: Chief Security Officer's Office

As Andrew walked towards the man's office, he wasn't fully sure what to expect. Their first real interaction was during the protest incident a couple of days back and it was brief to the say the least. Now, Andrew was trying to put the pieces together as to what exactly was going on at this Starbase. However short his stay aboard was, Andrew couldn't say that there was any lack of action. Between his uneasy feeling during the protest, along with some noticeable feelings of frustration from the Colonel and XO, Andrew was beginning to wonder what he got himself into.

Straightening his uniform, Andrew was hoping the Chief of Security would be able to at least answer some of his questions. Stopping in front of the office, Andrew stood straight and rang the door chime.

"Enter!" Jekakr said as he worked on the interactive display in his office.

As the doors opened, Andrew entered, walking in the CSO's offices. He hadn't much interaction with the Lt. Commander, but from what Andrew's seen, and from past experiences with Andorians, the man seemed a little irritated.

Stopping in front of the man's desk, Andrew stood straight, "Commander Jekkar. I'm Lieutenant Eberstark. The new Chief Tactical and Strategic officer. I don't think we were formally introduced when we were dealing with the protests or the immediate fallout. I was wondering if you had a few moments to discuss what happened."

"By all means please take a seat." Jekkar said as he turned to face the Lieutenant. "Security is very much quiet on this Station this afternoon so I can spare some time." He said with a nod.

Andrew raised an eyebrow at the comment, "Thank you, sir. And that's good to hear. Honestly, I'd thought there be more fallout after the past couple of days. Have you noticed any residual hostility after our little meeting with the Vulcan and her associates?"

Jekkar shook his head. "Not a whisper." He proceeded to pour himself a cup of tea and offered some to the Lieutenant. "I would say we need to keep vigilant in the meantime you and I."

Andrew waved the tea away, "No thank you, sir. I'm more of a coffee drinker than anything. And I have already had more than my fill today. And vigilance is exactly what I had in mind. I don't know about you, but something felt off about her. "

"Aspiring to be a Detective are you Lieutenant?" The Andorian Commander chuckled.

Andrew smiled and shook his head, "If I were, I would be an amateur at best. But sir, I've learned to listen to what my gut as told me over the years," pausing, noting on how that worked better in his head, "I realize how that sounds, but something tells me you felt the same thing. And that reporter that you may or may not have made adversaries of seems to think the same way."

Leaning forward, Andrew's voice grew firmer, "All I'm asking right now is if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye on her while she's here."

Jekkar nodded. "I wouldn't fear her Lieutenant, she's looking for a scoop that'll fill the VidNet for weeks maybe months." The Andorian Commander had known from experience that dealings with Journalists were very problematic and as such you took them with a pinch of salt. "But I shall endeavour to ease your concerns." He gave Eberstark a smile.

Andrew shook his head and returned the smile, "Sorry, sir I think you misunderstand. For the moment, I think she's on our side, despite her endgame being slightly different than ours. She may be able to help given the right situation. I was referring to the Vulcan woman," shifting his seat, "And I wouldn't go that far as to fear her, but I am a little concerned with how the situation unfolded. I mean, don't you think it was a little too easy?"

"Ahh my apologise Lieutenant." Jekkar said once he realised what he meant. "I think given the situation each of us performed remarkably well, as for easy? I'd putbit down to Starfleet training at its very best."

Andrew gave a shrug at the response, "I'm certainly not one to argue with compliment."

Thinking on the man's response, Andrew thought perhaps he was making a bigger deal of this than it actually was. There certainly wasn't anything concrete to raise any suspicions, but form some reason he just couldn't shake the odd feeling. Respecting the Commander's interpretation of events, Andrew continued,"Perhaps you're right and that's all it was, and I'm looking for something that isn't there," pausing knowing the next part would sound, but felt the need to say it anyway, "But I wouldn't go so far as to call it paranoia, sir."

"I'd say you are just being cautious." Jekkar commented. "Your a Strategist after all and you are used to examining a broad range of variables, it's good to be like that."

Andrew gave another smile at the analysis, "True enough, sir. I'm sorry for taking up your time with just conjecture."

"Not at all." Jekkar said to the Officer. "It's keeping all of us on our toes." The Commander said to him.

The way in which the Commander's tone sounded, Andrew wasn't sure of that was a compliment or not. Rising to his feet, "Thank you for the talk, Commander. I won't take up any more of your time, sir."

Jekkar bowed his head. "Don't forget the Small Based Tactics seminar at 15:00, Petty Officer Leslie is bringing Greek Food." The Andorian said with a chuckle.

Andrew smiled, "I look forward to it, sir. Greek will be nice change of pace from my routine too. Again, thank you for your time," turning he left the man's office and thought it best not to dwell too much on the Vulcan woman the rest of the day.


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