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Taking the Edge Off, Part 2

Posted on Wed 10th May, 2017 @ 7:09pm by Lieutenant Thomas Maynard

830 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: Early Evening, MD 04

"Well, sonny, you gonna eat that thing or stare it into submission?" Block asked, after a hefty gulp of his ale.

"I thought I would stare at it and see if it miraculously jumps into my mouth." Thomas paused. "I guess not." He picked up his cutlery and cut into the steak, taking a mouthful of it. It was delicious! Commander Hunt certainly wasn't wrong about this place. "I'm Lt. Maynard," he said, shifting his cutlery and moving his hand out to shake Block's.

In doing so, he observed Block. He was a very old human, but seemed to be in a great physical condition. He dare not guess how old this man was though. "How long have you been working on Vanguard then?

The gardener took the man's hand and gave it one good solid shake before letting it go. "Long enough to know not to ruin a good steak with hard liquor," he said. "What's got to be drowned out at your young age?" He shook his head and turned back to his ale. "Likely a woman. Always is."

He let out a small smile to Block's first comment before it quickly disappeared, "Aye! A woman indeed. In this case my wife....My dead wife. And I guess the now estranged son who blames a certain someone for his mother's death. So yeah, essentially a woman." He remained stone faced as he said it and downed the drink before drilling into more steak.

"That'd do it," Block agreed, sipping at the second half of his ale more slowly. "Me, marital bliss every day, but I've seen plenty of the other kind. Can't drown it, though, always comes back in the morning. But that's your business to learn." He took another sip, contemplating the lessons that life taught, and just how rough that school was.

"So you volunteer for out here in the back of beyond, or someone hate you that much? Besides your son, of course," Block pried. Normally, he was fairly taciturn, but he was feeling mellow and ... confound it, he'd gone and gotten interested in the young man. Now exactly why did he do that?

"Mm," He said, chewing on the steak. "Only my son. The chance of a move came up here, so I just jumped for it. A bit of a change you might say. At the moment my life is work and drink, work and drink, work and drink and so on, maybe it will change the longer I'm here, who knows." He took another mouthful of food, focusing on the food in front of him rather than Block next to him.

Jade moved back down the bar to the two men who seemed to have a conversation ... odd for the gardener, and she wouldn't have expected the lieutenant to be chatty, either. Maybe each of them recognized something in the other with which they could relate. She stopped sort of between her two customers and leaned forward on the bar.

"Enjoying the music this evening, Hieronymous?" she asked, grinning because she knew he was completely tone deaf.

"As much as ever, Miss Lantz, as much as ever," he grinned back. "Now, this young feller here, I think he must like it a lot."

"Is that right?" Jade turned to Maynard. "I wouldn't have taken you for a jazz lover, but many people relate to it for different reasons."

"No, completely wrong actually. I don't actually listen to any music normally. For me I could be in position and it be dead silent and it wouldn't bother me, but I shall give you that it does make this place cozy and homely," he said, still just munching on his food.

Jade nodded, putting this in with the other clues she had picked up about who this
intelligence officer was. "Nothing wrong with that. Music isn't for everyone, but I'm glad you find it sets a mood that's friendly. Is there anything else I can get for you?" She glanced at Block and added, "Either of you?"

The gardener shook his head. "Nah, you know my limit's one." He drank down the last swallow and set his glass carefully on the bar napkin. He slid off he stool before saying, "I'd best be gettin' home to my wife before she suspicions I'm up to no good. Good to meet ya, Mr. Thomas. I'll see you later, Miss Lantz." He put two fingers to his forehead in a mock salute and then headed for the door.

"Well, then, how about you, Lieutenant? Another drink?" Jade asked.

Thomas slightly moved his right hand up in a gesture that said goodbye, but without much effort or enthusiasm. "Another JD please. I must say, that steak was delicious and the recommendation I got was certainly a good one." He let out a full, genuine smile for once. "Thank you."

"Any time, Lieutenant," Miss Lantz said as she set another drink in front of him. "We aim to please."


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