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Time Away

Posted on Sat 13th May, 2017 @ 4:33am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Commander Zachary Hunt

1,470 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Paul Graves' Quarters, deck ?
Timeline: MD-3?, morning

Hunt had packed his bags, ready to take his leave from the station. It had gone as he expected, Drake was fuming, so he decided to take leave to let Drake think things over. He would contact Hunt in his own time. For now, it was time to get away. He had arranged to meet his brother, Eddie, on the USS. Java and spend some of that leave with him. Before that though, he was going to pay a visit to Paul, he was sure he would want to know what happened between Drake and himself. He saw Paul as a good friend and someone he could confide in; even if that someone was a counselor!

In his quarters, Paul sat on his sofa, a PADD in his lap, looking at homes for lease in Tivoli Gardens. While he had savings, buying a home on a lieutenant's salary had not been something he'd considered financially feasible. With a lieutenant commander's salary, however, a private home was within his grasp, especially as, being a bachelor at the moment, he didn't need much space. Chlamydia Addams' home had inspired him, though he wanted nothing so grandiose as her almost-mansion. Two bedrooms, two baths, with a den, kitchen, and space for entertaining, which could be converted to several different purposes, according to how he configured the furnishings. The second bathroom was an extravagance, but Paul disliked the thought of guests using his bathroom. Overnight guests, he felt, should have privacy if they wanted it. This way, he could at least have his family or friends visit.

He had narrowed down his selections and was looking at a charming cottage model named Rivendell when his door chime rang. Paul got up to answer it, slowing as he approached the door. It felt like Hunt, but the mood was not his usual. Paul opened the door. "Zach?" he said upon seeing his friend standing there. "Come in." He waited until Hunt stepped inside and the door closed. "What's wrong?"

"Hey," He mumbled. "I told Drake everything. He seemed angry but his response was to get off his station. I'm not going to argue about it, so I'm going to take some leave for the time being." Hunt decided that was the best solution to the problem. It would give Drake time to think about the whole situation and if he decided Hunt going was a bad decision, he would get him back. Then again, he might think otherwise.

Paul winced. "Oh, crap. Come on in and have a seat," he said, waving to the sofa. "Did he at least hear you out? Ask questions?"

Hunt walked to the sofa and grabbed a seat, making himself at home, "Ummm no. He seemed angry, but everything that I told you I told him, and his response was to get off the station. Didn't ask anything. He's the type of person that needs to take the time to calm down over a situation."

"Damn. Well, I can understand him being pissed off, but still..." Paul got an orange juice for Hunt from the replicator and a Mexican mocha coffee for himself. He joined Hunt on the sofa and handed the juice to him. "That was a truly difficult thing you did, and I admire the hell out of you for it. That took guts. So what are you going to do?"

"Thanks," He said for the juice, taking a quick sip before setting it down. "Guts sure. But cowardice to accept it to begin with. I've requested leave until further notice so I can stay off the station for a bit. If Drake decides he wants me back, I guess I will come back and try and build that bridge. If he doesn't...." He paused. "Well I guess the Rear Admiral will know I probably told him, and that would be the career."

"Maybe," Paul said, "but your 'cowardice' didn't even last six months. The guts comes from recognizing the error, acknowledging your part of the responsibility for it, and doing what you had to, to make it right. I respect you a heck of a lot more than I respect Drake's uncle--and I suspect Drake will feel the same, once he cools down and thinks about it. I also think, once he forgives himself for some things, he'll be better able to forgive you."

"Yeah I suppose," Hunt mused. "We will see though. I do think I have made the right decision for the time being, until he knows what is best for him and this station."

"You're probably right. How long are you going to stay away?" Paul asked.

"Well initially I've asked for two months, which was fairly easy to get. After those two months, if I've not heard from Drake, then I guess I will review where I stand then," He replied.

"Two months! You will be forever re-accruing that much leave," Paul said. "I hope it won't take Drake that long." He shot Hunt a wry grin. "Not that you couldn't use the time off, mind you."

"I know but I guess it's worth it. Yeah if he shortens it then that would be even better, but I am going to visit my brother so should be time well spent."

"That sounds good," Paul said. "What kinds of things do you like to do when you're together?"

"God it's been so long I have no idea what we used to do," Hunt pondered. "I will probably grab a beer and see how life has been treating him. Then make him decide what to do." He laughed.

"He'll be the one who knows what all the local hot spots are," Paul said. "Makes sense."

Hunt drank the rest of his orange juice, "What are your plans here whilst I'm gone?"

"See my patients and study for the Bridge Officer exam. I'm terrified. My background is...very non-technical. I know nothing of warp engineering or battle tactics or what to order people to do when inter-dimensional gateways open in front of the station...or half the things James Kirk had to deal with before breakfast. Seriously, naming me to the job is proof to me that Drake is crazy."

"That doesn't say much for me either because I said I would have chosen you as well," Hunt laughed. "But seriously, you'll be fine and I know you'll ace it. I mean if I come back to the station and you haven't, you owe me dinner. Actually, even if you have, you can buy dinner as well." He let out a wink, his old charm starting to show again.

"Mm...There is that point," Paul agreed. "Orchids and Jazz, then?"

"You know it, the best hangout in town."

"It's a deal. And while you're gone, I'll see if I can beard the dragon in his den." Paul cocked his head to one side. "What does that even mean--to 'beard' something? Dragons don't even have beards, do they?"

"I can't say I know the answer to that," Hunt mused. "I now have an image of a dragon with a giant beard and moustache." He chuckled to himself.

"With Drake's face, lighting a cigar with his own fire," Paul added, snickering. "I should quit while I'm ahead."

"Good luck for the next time you see Drake and trying not to imagine that," Hunt started to laugh more uncontrollably at the thought.

Paul burst out laughing. "Just my luck, he'll summon me to see him at some terribly serious moment, and there I'll be, taking one look at him and then laughing like a fool. Does he smoke cigars, I wonder? Oh, man, I don't dare imagine that!"

Hunt's eyes started welling up with tears after laughing so much from the thought, so much so that he couldn't bring any words out for a minute before spluttering, "Oh god, that's a hilarious image. Let's hope we don't see him ever with a cigar, because you know we will be attempting to hold in laughter."

"Speak for yourself. I'll be laughing my ass off!" Paul shook with laughter for a bit longer and then sighed, smiling. "He could do with some laughter, especially after the last few days. I think we all could."

"That is a very true statement," He agreed, calming himself down. "I suppose, Paul, I best be off. Time waits for no one."

Paul clasped his hand in farewell and then walked Hunt to the door. "No, it doesn't. Go have a good visit with your brother. Keep in touch, all right?"

"Definitely," Hunt started to walk out the door. "And remember when you next see Drake to imagine a fire-breathing dragon lighting a cigar with a giant beard and moustache!"

"Like Karl Marx," Paul promised.

Commander Zachary Hunt
Executive Officer

Lt. Commander Paul Graves
Chief Counselor


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