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Time in Grade

Posted on Sun 2nd Apr, 2017 @ 7:38pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Paul Graves PsyD

1,555 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 12: CO's Ready Room
Timeline: MD-01

Drake was having a last-minute check through Graves' service record, ensuring there was nothing he might had previously missed. Promotions in Starfleet were a strange beast. In Earth's history, complex and political systems were applied to military promotions. Even if an officer had passed all requirements, was at the right time in his career and had got the relevant time in grade and time in service, they would only be recommended for a promotion. This would then go to a promotion board and, sometimes, allocated numbers would be assigned to those eligible in order to join a waiting list, of sorts. Despite this being a complex example of only one country, in most military organisations of the time the first three officer ranks were virtually automatically awarded after the completion of a particular training course or time in grade.

Ultimately if you go to the roots of these systems, as with virtually anything in that time period, it boiled down to money. Since Earth had evolved to have no currency, the reasons to want and gain promotions in military-type organisations had changed. Some officers were perfectly content in joining Starfleet as an Ensign or crewman and retiring a lifetime later at the same rank... never wanting to go further. Ultimately it boiled down to what you wanted to do in Starfleet - despite a great deal of honour and prestige still attached to rank, any shame at remaining at a lower rank for a long period of time had vanished centuries ago.

Starfleet still applied systems such as Time in Service and Time in Grade to promotions but, for the most part, promotions were decided upon by the Commanding Officer of the ship or facility. Providing there was a position open (if applicable) and the officer met the requirements laid down by Starfleet then the CO could award a promotion.

Including his six years extended study period at the Academy, Graves had been in Starfleet for twenty one years, serving on five ships of four different classes, including a Sovereign class. He had completed a Master's Degree at the Academy and been involved in a first contact mission on his previous ship, the USS Ken.

The chime sounded, despite it only feeling like ten minutes since he had left the Chief Counsellor's office.

"Please, come in"

Paul tugged at his uniform tunic to straighten it and then entered Drake's office. He gave a crisp salute--he was on Drake's turf now and abiding by Marine rules. "Lt. Paul Graves, reporting as ordered, sir."

"Lieutenant Graves, please come in and take a seat. Can I get you anything to drink?"

Why, Paul wondered, did it suddenly strike him as hilarious that the tables were reversed? There was no logical reason for his amusement. He supposed it was simply that he had made the same overture to Drake a couple of hours before.

Paul sat in the chair in front of Drake's desk. "Thank you, sir. I'd appreciate some chilled water." Somehow, asking Drake for tea or coffee the way he liked them felt too much like treating a superior officer as a waiter. Why he should feel that way when he customarily offered each of his patients that courtesy, no matter their rank, mystified Paul. Perhaps he might find a Vulcan sometime and discuss it.

Drake retrieved a water and his customary coffee from the replicator and took a seat opposite the Counsellor at his desk, placing the water in front of him and his coffee next to the PADD.

"Lieutenant, I'll keep this rather brief. I've been looking over your service record and I must say I'm impressed. You've devoted an enormous amount of time to study and research and have achieved some remarkable qualifications to prove it. However, and you'll forgive me for saying this, that has had an impact on your progression within Starfleet - which naturally, and understandably, has been secondary to your field of study."

He didn't give him a chance to respond, "May I ask, what made you transfer onto Vanguard? Was it the attraction of running a larger department?" Over the past six months, Drake had found himself asking the same question to virtually every new Head of Department. Vanguard might be a Stardock Class starbase, and it may well have been the pride of the Starfleet... but it wasn't anymore. Perhaps it was his own personal experience, but he didn't view Vanguard as a place where one could progress their career.

"Yes, that's exactly it," Paul said. "The advantage to transferring to Vanguard Is long term rather than immediate. With Starfleet resuming management of the station after a lengthy period of neglect, it is on the shabby side now, but I anticipate swift improvement, now that Starfleet is paying attention to the station again, even hosting diplomatic talks here. Additionally, with Disney's investment in Tivoli Gardens, and with the extensive Promenade section, this station has appeal for the general public rather than just Starfleet personnel, which is likely to promote further growth. I see this as simply a further step in my career path, one that I've been fortunate to be offered."

"Quite so," Drake nodded his approval as he pulled a small black box from a drawer on the right side of his desk. "Well, with such a position must surely also come appropriate rank. I think this is overdue... forgive the formality, Lieutenant." He stood and indicated for Graves to do the same as he walked round the desk to join him.

Opening the black box he retrieved the solitary black rank pip inside. "Despite only serving with you for a short while, it's a great honour for me to increase you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander." He attached the pip to Graves' collar and grasped his hand. "Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Graves."

Paul's eyes widened as he stood while Drake pinned the rank pip to his collar. "I was not expecting this! Thank you, Colonel." He returned the handshake warmly and gave Drake an amused look. "I was beginning to think I would be stuck at Lieutenant forever. This is a welcome surprise, sir."

"It's a pleasure, Commander... well deserved. Now, there is another matter to discuss." He returned to his seat behind the desk, taking a sip of his coffee. "How do you feel about command?"

Paul retook his seat and considered the question. Drake wanted something, and he was serious.

" in me being in command?" He's just promoted you to Lt. Commander, you idiot, Paul thought. Of course he wants to know how you feel about being in command. He returned his attention to Drake. "I will admit it is not something I have thought terribly much about in the past. I don't burn to command my own starship, for example. Do I think I could command? Yes, under normal circumstances. Under abnormal circumstances...There are times when I would find it difficult, particularly during battle situations. But I've discovered that I can get through those, too, and do what must be done. So I am not averse to the idea of being in command, sir."

"I'm pleased to hear it, Commander. As such, I want you to start preparing for the Bridge Officer's Test. Upon successful completion, you'll be made Second Officer on Vanguard." Drake anticipated the surprise before it happened and held up his hands as if holding it back. "You're an experienced officer Commander, much more experienced than some on this station. You don't need command experience to fulfill a Second Officer role, and I think you're a perfect choice for the position."

Paul blinked, half at the announcement and half at Drake already moving to intercept his response. "I'm honored that you want me to hold that position, Colonel, and I'm quite willing to do it. But...There are several officers on Vanguard who have more tenure in this rank than I. Won't they feel slighted if I jump ahead of them, being so new to the rank? I can understand that Dr. Addams might not want it, being CMO. I suppose I am just still very surprised."

"I think command is more than just time in grade. Take Mr. Winchester, for example. As Command Chief on the station and a Chief Warrant Officer, there aren't many officers who would question his orders... regardless of their rank... however some might. What stops those people, and stands him apart from others like him, is the calibre of man that he is. I know he's new here and not well known yet, but, given time, you'll see that he commands more respect than anyone I've met."

Paul nodded. "I agree; Chief Winchester is worthy of the respect he commands, and I appreciate the trust you're placing in me. I simply hope it will not cause you grief from any other members of the staff resenting being passed over."

Drake raised his brow, "I don't think there'll be too much resentment and if there is, well, what better first task to overcome as a command officer?" He smiled.

"All I can do is prove myself worthy of the job, eh?" Paul said. "Thank you Colonel. I intend to do so."


Col. Horatio Drake
Commanding Officer

Lt. Commander Paul Graves, PsyD
Chief Counselor


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 4th Apr, 2017 @ 8:52pm

Really nicely done for both promotion and announcement of consideration as 2XO. Congratulations, Dr. Graves!