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Stepping Back From the Brink

Posted on Tue 4th Apr, 2017 @ 8:25pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant Commander Andrew Eberstark & Lieutenant Sianna Dal
Edited on on Tue 4th Apr, 2017 @ 8:46pm

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Tivoli Gardens/The Commander's Ready Room
Timeline: MD 2, 1700


"Come," she said. "Let us reason together."

And now, the conclusion.

Caroline Post kept her grip on the upper arm of HH. "Elvis above," she breathed. "Who is that woman?"

"I don't know, girly-girl, but if you don't let go of my arm, I won't be able to get the shots you want."

Instantly, Caroline released her grip, only then realizing what she was doing. "Get the shots, Harry."

Stepping forward, Andrew gave a nod of acknowledgment to the woman. Despite the the apparent calmness and control she had over the situation, Andrew couldn't help but feel uneasy. Nevertheless, this was their opportunity to diffuse the situation.

Putting on his best diplomatic face, Andrew introduced himself, "I'm Lieutenant Eberstark, Chief Tactical and Strategic Operations Officer. I appreciate you coming forward to help resolve this situation peacefully," glancing to Lieutenant Dal, "This is our Chief Diplomatic Officer, Lieutenant Sianna Dal."

Looking back and forth between the two woman, "Would you be willing to try and discuss this situation?"

The Vulcan bowed her head slightly and said, "That is my purpose in coming forward. I believe that we," she indicated two who stood slightly behind her, one to each side, "can assure that the remaining people leave peacefully." Bowing her head again, slightly toward Dal this time, she added, " Then we may come to a resolution through discussion with Lt. Dal and others concerned with the safety and welfare of our station."

To the woman's left, the Bajoran spoke up. "We claim Federation rights of free speech, of course, but we have no desire to see those rights descend into violence. People really only want to know they are being heard."

The Cardassian on the right added, "I agree with the Bajoran." He turned to the fellow and said with humor, "You may want to take note of that. It might not happen again for a hundred years."

Fortunately, the Bajoran also had a sense of humor, and said, "Duly noted, Cardassian."

Taking back the conversation, the Vulcan woman asked, "Would you care to make arrangements for the three of us to meet with the appropriate authorities? Including the base commander, please."

Jekkar wasn't one for Politics or Diplomacy; his main concern was ensuring that the safety of all those on this Station was upheld. The Andorian Commander looked around at his Staff. "I want the River Walk cleared within the hour. All hostilities will cease, and I'll be lenient in a suitable punishment." He motioned to one of his Officers to get it done. He gazed around at the assembled group. "I also suggest that if you want to continue this discussion we do it under my supervision."

"I think you will find, Commander, that there will be no more hostilities. They have already ceased," the Vulcan pointed out. People were beginning to drift away, those with signs and those without. The feeling of calm from the woman was still spreading.

"Most likely, your brig will remain empty, and your punishments will not be necessary. I see there are medics attending to the wounded. Wouldn't you agree that is probably punishment enough?" There was the sound of amusement in her voice, though not a trace of it on her face.

"Do note that we are not on a planet - this riot occurred on a starbase - there are very strict rules about public endangerment in place. A single hull breach or an uncontrolled flame by a careless action could cost thousands of lives." Sianna Dal noted absently, her gaze nowhere in particular, before focusing on those present, "However, we can consider being lenient."

Against his better judgement, Andrew found himself relaxing his shoulders and posture as the conversation continued, "That seems prudent to me. But we should discuss it with Colonel Drake sooner rather than later."

"Then by all means, let us move forward immediately," the Vulcan woman said, moving toward the turbolift. "If you would be so kind as to escort us, Lieutenant Eberstark?" The Cardassian and Bajoran followed the woman's lead.

Caroline muttered to her camera man, "I don't know how she's making us all feel calm, but even I feel it. I wish that would come across on the holo recording. Wouldn't that be a coup for our careers at FNS?"

Sianna Dal's eyes, narrow with suspicion, followed the retreating figure. After a moment, the diplomat schooled her features, turned and sighed.

"I suppose I won't be making it back to that lunch, after all." the Orion cast one more glance at the crowds over her shoulder, "Let's relocate somewhere more comfortable and see what the hoi polloi want ... and how we can get them to stop bothering everyone with this nonsense."


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