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The Existential Fish

Posted on Tue 28th Mar, 2017 @ 9:29pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Commander Zachary Hunt

1,557 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 600: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD 2, 1340

As was her habit, Miss Lantz was making the rounds of the clientele of Orchids & Jazz. It was her favorite activity as jazz club owner, the chance to chat with people, get feedback on the food, the service, and sometimes have a very interesting conversation. She was, though quietly in the background about it, a story collector at heart. She enjoyed having a very long life expectancy, but she felt someone should be recording the songs short-lived races sang.

As she moved from one table to another, her gaze lifted and she saw the station's Exec and its Chief Counselor enter and chat a moment with Reon Velasquez before being led to a table near the stage where the Cymbidiums were setting up for their six-hour entertainment stint. She changed her direction slightly to meet them at their table as they were in the act of sitting.

Waving the server away, she greeted them with a smile. "It's always a happy occasion when you two arrive. What's the occasion today, or are you simply pining for the best food on the station?"

"And my day gets even happier when I see you Miss Lantz," Hunt did his characteristic raise of his eyebrow and smiled. "Well, it started off with talk of lamb chops, then it moved to sandwiches, and now onto seafood. So the occasion moved from a light lunch to stopping my stomach from rumbling! Plus, of course, coming to this delightful place again. I will have a permanent residence here sooner or later."

Jade laughed and said, "It'll have to be in the loft so your snoring doesn't interfere with the music."

"Pssh who says I snore?" Hunt joked.

"I would love to hear that story," Paul said with an amused look. "I was telling Commander Hunt how delicious the lamb chops are here, but we'd have to come later in the day to enjoy them. We're both starving now. Are there any interesting lunch specials today?"

Jade nodded her head as she answered, "As a matter of fact, Marin has come up with something based on the list of approved substances from Lt. Collins. It seems to be a hit, if you'd care to try it. Cordon Bleu Rulat, she calls it."

"I like Chicken Cordon Bleu, so maybe this will be tasty," Paul said. "I'll have an order of the Rulat, please, and some hot tulsi tea, if the replicator can make that."

"Chuck one in for me, too. Only orange juice for me, though!"

"Two Rulats, coming up shortly. Your drinks will be delivered shortly. Let me know if there's anything else that can make your visit memorable," Lantz smiled and then walked away, using her PADD to send the order back to the kitchen.

Paul leaned back in his chair. "If she were to reappear in a backless dress, I would consider that memorable." he muttered under his breath at Jade's departing figure. Then he changed the subject. "So, I'm curious, Commander--What is your thing with fruit juice? Every time I see you, it's your drink of choice. How did you avoid becoming a coffee addict like most of the people I know from Earth?"

"Cheeky!" Hunt exclaimed, hearing the muttering from Paul. "I can't stand coffee. I've tried loads of variants and it just doesn't go down well for me. I prefer tea. Or obviously orange juice. Only orange mind you, I don't know what it is about it, but I find it kind of refreshing. Occasionally I have a night away from it to get drunk, but as you know, we are always so busy there isn't always time for that!"

"Oddly, orange juice is what I like to drink if I'm hungover," Paul said. "I've heard people with all sorts of hangover cure recipes including everything from hair of the dog to raw eggs." He made a face. "I'd rather have orange juice, every time. Aside from that, though, I don't usually drink it except at breakfast."

Jenna approached the men's table, drinks on a small white tray with a purple orchid on the bottom. "Tulsi tea and orange juice," she announced setting the drinks down softly. "Miss Lantz said to tell you both are bottomless for this lunch, so let me know when you're ready by pushing this button and I'll bring more." She set a purple button on the table, smiled and moved on to check the next table, pushing red hair behind her left ear.

Hunt took a sip from his juice, "I could drink this all day!" He took a pause, hesitated and sighed. "I need to make an appointment with you to speak about Drake."

Paul thanked Jenna and glanced inquiringly at Hunt as he added sweetener to his tea and took a sip. "All right. I have a few morning openings tomorrow and the day after. The diplomatic thing is consuming everyone's time, and I haven't been requested to sit in." The fact was, since Hunt's desire to meet pertained to the base CO, Paul would make time to see him, if necessary.

"Maybe the day after, I'm doing the run around tomorrow with everything going on!" Hunt said.

"Between diplomats and protest rallies, along with the usual craziness, I'm amazed you even had time for lunch," Paul said. "How are the talks going, by the way? Drake told me you would be dealing with them. I've barely seen sight of the diplomats themselves; they must be staying holed up in the VIP area. I wondered what they're like?"

"Always time for lunch!" Hunt joked. "I've barely seen sight of them as well, Lieutenant Dal is dealing with them for the time being. Maybe over the next few days I will see them a bit more. It's all a bit over the place at the moment, especially with Dobbs, as well." Hunt deliberately didn't use the title of Rear Admiral in this conversation. He didn't like the man, or trust him for that matter.

"Dobbs?" Paul echoed, curious at the flash of dislike from Hunt at the thought of the admiral. "I haven't even seen him about. He's taking the low-key approach thing seriously. You're not a fan, I take it?"

Hunt let out a 'mmm'. "Something about him...I can't put my finger on it," He finished the rest of his juice, pressing the purple button he was given earlier for the top up.

Jenna saw the light for table 14 and snatched up an orange juice pitcher, a small pot of hot water and an infusion for tulsi tea. Without looking as if she were hurrying, she hurried to the commander's table. "Both of you?" she asked.

"I've barely begun," Paul said to Jenna, nodding at his nearly full tea cup.

With a smile, Jenna refilled the glass of orange juice and asked, "Would you like me to leave the pitcher here, Commander?"

"Yeh sure that sounds great," Hunt replied.

Paul waited until Jenna left and then glanced back at Hunt as he sipped at his tea. "So I'm curious. Why isn't Drake dealing with the diplomats? Isn't that what he's supposed to do as CO of the station? Your background is in sciences, isn't it, not diplomacy?"

"Exactly, I asked myself that. I've got Sianna heavily involved in it though. Drake just seems to want to concentrate on his own things, whatever that is," Hunt replied.

"Hm." Paul didn't comment further on that. "Well, nice to know he's not a glory hound."

Hunt took another sip of his juice, not knowing what else to say about that. Instead he just muttered in reply.

"We can talk about it later," Paul said as he caught sight of Jenna returning with their food. "So how are the talks going? Do the Caliburnites truly plan to join the Federation, or is this just about trade?"

"As far as I'm aware, all well so far. I've not been involved as much as I should as it really isn't my department. I believe they do want to join the Federation and there are no hidden agendas anywhere. I can't say that for certain though."

"Sometimes people don't actually have any. I don't think the Bajorans did--though I guess everyone knew their agenda from the start," Paul said. He sniffed and grinned as Jenna approached and set down their plates of Rulat Cordon Bleu. "That smells fantastic. And this is fish?"

As she set down the men's plates, Jenna shook her head and replied, "Not exactly. I don't know exactly where it would fit in with Earth's families. It's something that comes from one of the groups visiting us this week. I'm sorry, I don't even know which one. Chef Holmes has used it in a modified Earth recipe, with a cheese that's also from Earth.

"I can tell you, though, that it's quite tasty, on the approved list from the protocol people, and seems to be non-allergenic. Several hundred people have eaten it today, and not one has gotten sick." She grinned at them. "You two could be the first!"

"It's a risk I'm willing to take. I'm that hungry," Paul said and picked up his fork.


Commander Zachary Hunt
Executive Officer

Lt. Paul Graves, PsyD
Chief Counselor

Jade Lantz
Owner, Orchids & Jazz

Jenna Clark
Waitress, Orchids & Jazz


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sun 2nd Apr, 2017 @ 10:22am

This is what you get when three outstanding writers make a JP - something that is detailed, flows and a pleasure to read!