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The Real Reason

Posted on Sun 19th Feb, 2017 @ 11:37am by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar & Lieutenant JG Kellian Michaels

826 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 14: Senior Officer's Briefing Room
Timeline: Pre MD-01

Drake had asked a few select officers to remain behind after the Senior Staff briefing - they had remained in their seats so the five of them were now sporadically sitting throughout the briefing room.

"Thank you for staying on" He smiled and took his seat, he wanted this to feel more inclusive and personal.

"As I'm sure some of you may have guessed - there is a alterior reason as to why these negotiations are being held on Vanguard." He pressed a button on his PADD and the screen behind them changed to a display of a Regula Class starbase.

"This is Deep Space Thirty One, the original location for the negotiations... this is the location that has been publicly announced and one that is now surrounded by cloaked Starfleet vessels and packed full of covert Marines." He took a moment to analyse their reactions.

"Since the Caliburnites made contact with the Emorites, there have been causes on Theta Prime, unnerved by the break in isolationist ways." He paused again, throughout history causes had done more harm than they had good. True, some causes were true and just and brought about change and progression. But for every good cause, there were five bad... one person's cause usually ended up hurting the next person.

When the Caliburnites joined the Federation, this brought about massive debate on Theta Prime about isolationism, which has arrived us to the talks tomorrow. However a faction formed, calling themselves Unification Zero, who prefer using violent methods to get their point across. The centrepiece of their idea set comes from an event that took place nearly eight decades ago - a group of Emorites decided to break free from their home world and took a ship in search of a new home. They were never heard from again. They have, rather mythically, become known as The Lost Emorites.

"Starfleet hopes to catch some of these terrorists if they try and attack Deep Space Thirty One... they also hope that Vanguard will be able to host these negotiations without disruption." He opened his hands, signalling any questions.

"How likely is an attack on Deep Space Thirty One?" Hunt asked.

"Given the amount of armaments Starfleet is throwing at the station, I would say very likely" Drake replied.

"It never occurred to them that maybe the Caliburnites might be the Lost Emorites?" Kellian asked. "It would make sense, given that they're so anatomically similar. The only problem is the short length of time. Eighty years isn't long enough to create a whole Caliburnite civilization from the crew of just one lost ship."

"Quite right, Lieutenant. Both species' mythology clearly lays out how The Preservers founded both species. Up until the Caliburnites joined The Federation and we came across the story of the Lost Emorites, it was believed that these Preservers were simply colony vessels." He finished and nodded in the direction of Kellian, he admired the way his approached everything analytically.

"Forgive me as the Outsider to the local Politics of this region but in terms of resources we are stretched thinly." Solan commented as he examined his PADD. "In order to get us ready before the deadline we will need to pull double maybe triple shifts."

"Commander, I've already arranged for an extra two hundred Marine security personnel to be drafted into your department under your direct remit until these talks are over. I hope this will negate the need for, at least, triple shifts." Drake slid a PADD across the table towards him. Without a Marine CO on board, Drake had taken it upon himself to oversee the department.

"Excellent." Solan said with a nod of politeness. "How about Tactical? Would you like me to help out there as well?"

Drake smiled, "I think we're digressing Commander. We can talk about that another time. Are there any further questions?"

"What is known about the weapons and tactics of Unification Zero?" Kellian asked. "We have to figure that they might already be aware that DS-31 is a decoy. If they also know where the real location is, we could be in for some trouble."

"I agree. Starfleet seemed quite vague, except to say that their technological prowess matches anything the Emorites have - it would appear they've had support from some powerful people. Their methods and tactics are typical of a militia group, but they lean more towards acting on their intelligence gathering as opposed to random acts of violence." He answered.

"Thank God for small mercies," Kellian said with a wry look. "So they're not likely to blow up the Promenade just because they can and want to." He glanced at Jekkar. "Shall I see if I can find footage of their past attacks and request the forensics reports through Intel, or do you think there's even time for that, sir?"

"By all means" Drake replied and brought the impromptu meeting to a close.


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