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The Happiest Place on Vanguard

Posted on Sun 19th Feb, 2017 @ 2:24am by

357 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: S.S. Disney

The modified Clipper Class civilian transport, S.S. Disney streaked towards it's destination, which was Starbase Vanguard at the moment. Leah Jamison, the newly appointed CEO of Disney Inc aboard Starbase Vanguard sat in a comfortable, white chair as she looked at the man on the monitor in front of her. "Mr. Yamamoto, I assure you Disney Inc. of Starbase Vanguard will be nothing short of magical."

"I hope so, Ms. Jamison. You are a valuable asset to our company and I would hate to see anything go wrong. Do not disappoint me. Yoshi Yamamoto, out."

The monitor went blank, soon replaced by the Disney Inc. logo. of a blue oval with 'Disney Inc.' in the center. Leah sat back and sighed. She had worked her entire life to get here and now this opportunity was one she couldn't afford to fail. If she succeeded here, her plans to move into politics was wide open. She activated the intercom on her armrest, irritated at the time the trip was taking. "This is Leah Jamison. How much longer until we reach Starbase Vanguard?"

"We will be arriving in five minutes. We just entered their area of operations," came the pilot's reply.

"Finally. Leah, out." She stood and made her way to her quarters, wanting to change into a fresh set of clothes. A few minutes later, she emerged dressed in a grey business suit with her hair pulled up. The ship's intercom came to life again. "Ms. Jamison, we've arrived at Starbase Vanguard."

"Good. Have my quarters been assigned yet?" Leah asked.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Transport all of my property to those quarters and transport me directly to the Disney Inc. Central Office on Deck 1550," Leah instructed.

A moment later, Leah materialized in the Disney Inc. Office in a swirl of blue light. The office was large, located on the top floor of the oval building, which overlooked much of the Tivoli Gardens. Looking out of the large windows, she allowed a small grin. 'Not bad for a starbase,' she thought, placing her hands on her hips, wondering what new adventures the starbase would bring her.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sun 26th Feb, 2017 @ 9:21am

Probably the most succinct arrival post I've ever read - which fits entirely and perfectly with Jamison's business like personality! A brilliant read!