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Christmas Promises [back post]

Posted on Fri 17th Feb, 2017 @ 9:50pm by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

435 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Collins Quarters
Timeline: Christmas Eve Back post

It had taken three weeks of walking from the labs to her quarters before Jasmine finally consented to dinner with Adam in the lounge. He had promised nothing fancy and no pressure for their first date. But it was Christmas Eve on Earth and Adam couldn't help but bring a gift for her. He wasn't sure how to present it but he hoped it would bring a smile to her face.

He stood out side her door dressed for the holiday dinner he'd planned for her and chimed. The pup in his hands was less rambunctious than Bones but just as beautiful. Jacs, as Adam had come to call Jasmine, had talked often of having a service animal to assist with her phobias and the pup in his hands could do just that for her. The animal had been genetically bred to be intuitive to its owner. He'd grow strong and be protective of Jasmine and her feelings. He would know when she needed to be guided away from the crowd and he would grow to love her. But who could help that?

Jasmine opened the door and a bright smile crossed her lips. "Well hello." She had agreed to have dinner on this special occasion but inside had hoped to talk Adam into remaining in quarters and allowing her to make something for them to eat.

Adam held the pup out to her. "Um, Merry Christmas." He smiled and added. "He's for you."

"For me?" Jacs accepted the pup into her arms and let him squirm in her hands and lick tiny kisses on her chin. "He's beautiful...but."

"He's been engineered to be a service dog. He's intuitive to your feelings and once he bonds with you, he'll know when you need him to lead you away. He'll have to get to know you first of course, but he's really smart."

"He's amazing." She looked at Adam. "Thank you." She suddenly realized they were still standing in the doorway. "Oh, goodness. Come in Adam, please. I wanted to talk to you about dinner."

"No backing down." He smiled. "If you want, I'll make dinner here or at my place." He offered.

"The lounge will be fine." She smiled knowing she was safe with this man. She didn't want to tell him that she'd changed her mind every five minutes until now. She was ready to go and she was ready to trust him. She slipped her hand into his and grabbed the leash on the small pup. She looked at him. "I'm ready."

Adam smiled and took her hand. "Good. Let's go."



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