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Protocol: The Necessary Evil

Posted on Sat 11th Feb, 2017 @ 7:45pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Sianna Dal

1,192 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Diplomatic Department
Timeline: Prior to MD-01

The sitting room, one of the smaller chambers for more private meetings that didn't involve teams of aides or conference tables or mountains of PADDs or flimsies, made for a counterpoint to the rest of the Diplomatic Department. There were no crates here, no signs or flags placed wherever they could fit. No officers, whether Diplomatic Detachment personnel or crew shanghaied into service by Sianna Dal or one of her people, running around. No buzz of background conversation. It was a small island of tranquillity in the chaos that reigned outside.

It was perfect for meetings. As perfect as the diplomat's office, but the Orion had spent entirely too many hours there already and any change was welcome.

"My apologies for the ... rather atypical appearance of the diplomatic areas." the diplomat's tone was casual, even, the apology obviously given for formality's sake, not with any actual intent behind it, "We've been using it for storage while Ensign Rau arranges for the placement of decorations in the Promenade."

It was busywork, an annoying dance that they had to step through time and again. The size of the station was an additional and particularly annoying hinderer. Assigning it to Ensign Rau might have been beneath the Ensign's talents, but she got the job done quickly and without too much fuss. After all, no-one said no to the Ensign. Even Sianna herself would be hesitant - Pahkwa-thanh were very large and had entirely too many teeth for the Orion to be comfortable.

"Please help yourselves," Sianna's hand indicated the tray containing a selection of drinks, tea- and coffee-equivalent from across the Federation, as she leaned back in the chair, "They're freshly made - there's a steady supply being prepared. Mild stimulants to help push through double- and triple-shifts."

Jade picked a blue cup with the Starfleet logo emblazoned in red and hesitated only slightly before choosing to fill it with water. "I think I'll do better without the stimulants, but you have quite a variety here."

Serena followed behind Jade and chose something that was an interesting medium purple color, hoping it would taste as good as it was pretty. "Are any of these from the cultures of our guests?" she asked.

The diplomat shook her head, "No. It would be most unwise given the quantities the diplomatic detachment has been consuming recently. And I have been told that the most popular drink has a taste and texture somewhat comparable to Ferengi slug-cola and that is ..." A flash of disgust passed across Sianna Dal's face - eating snails was one thing, drinking them was an experience she had no desire to repeat, "Quite the acquired taste. We should have some available for the meals and receptions, as a matter of course, but I would rather the majority of the selection was from Federation worlds. There should be no shortage of diversity and when in Rome and all that ..." there was something predatory to the Orion's smile, "It would be a good way to begin accustoming our guests to foreign cultures. Ease them into the Federation, so to speak."

"I agree with that...easing into the Federation," Hunt chuckled to himself, he turned to Dal, "Do you have a plan of action?"

"One still open to revision, depending on our analysis of their psychology and culture." the Orion offered a wan smile, watching the tea swirling in her cup, "Dazzle them with our technology, charm them with our accomplishments - were that we were on Earth, we would have a lot more options. As it is, we do have a cultural program planned. Some operas and ballets in various styles whose tonalities would not be too far outside the norm for our guests. I managed to convince a troupe to make an appearance. The owner is a distant cousin of mine."

"That sounds ... appealing," Jade said, from the seat she'd chosen near the Orion. "It certainly makes it easier to prepare food if much of what we offer is ... regular Federation fare. I would like to include some things from the list Lt. Collins, of course, but I think your idea is a nice compromise."

From her seat, Serena looked up from the PADD on which she took notes and said, "Are you sure these people are going to be dazzled by our technology? Or for that matter, that they will find us all that charming, accomplishments or not?"

The Orion smiled, cup in hand, "It is easy to forget sometimes that the Federation is one of the pre-eminent powers in the galaxy and, possibly, the most advanced among the powers. We are surrounded daily by miracles other great powers observe with envy." It had been an enlightening experience, seeing the Federation from the outside, seeing hardened captains speak in hushed awe of the power of ships Starfleet considered exploration ships, "And even if they cannot comprehend the gap between us, the breadth of our culture should fascinate them. We are not Klingons, drawing on the legacy of a single world, we are many - there's something to suite anyone's tastes."

No matter what they might be.

Lantz had lived inside the Federation so long, she sometimes thought like short-lived humans. The diplomat had reminded her that she took many things for granted.
"Good point," she agreed. "I think I'm set to have a discussion with Marin about daily buffets and additions to our own restaurant menus. Are there any particular protocol pitfalls of which we need to be aware?"

Hunt glanced across to Dal awaiting the answer. He was always so impressed by Sianna, she was intelligent, well spoken and took her job well.

"Nothing that could be an issue, there is a certain amount of leeway when interacting with others in a diplomatic environment. There is one notable exception, however ..." A single manicured finger went up, "Our guests will be bound by rules of hospitality - indeed, violating hospitality is something of a cultural taboo. There are specific rules that we will have to abide by. Direct insults or confrontations, by either us or them, would be considered a violation. Similarly, there's a procedure - anything you offer them, they will refuse. You have to insist. They will accept after that. It's a procedure they will likely abide by even for refilling a glass."

"So noted," Jade nodded. "I'll make sure all our servers are aware of this so there are no incidents over it."

"They might also wish to buy things on the promenade - refusing to haggle would be a violation. Perhaps the merchants should be notified of that." The Orion left the suggestion hang in the air for a moment, before adding, "I will arrange compensation for the merchants, cover the difference up to the listed price of the items."

Hunt nodded to that, "I can see to the merchants being notified of this. We need to make sure everything is pretty smooth sailing as they say. If all goes as it should, then there is nothing to worry about."

As soon as he said it, he knew he had said things like that before, only for something unexpected to happen.


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Comments (1)

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Sun 26th Feb, 2017 @ 9:12am

Slightly behind with the posts - glad I'm caught up now though! Fantastic post, I can really feel everything starting to come together! If I were one of the merchants I'd be rubbing my hands together and repricing everything up by 50%! Ha!