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An Accidental Meeting?

Posted on Wed 2nd Nov, 2016 @ 12:11am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Adam Keller

817 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger

Adam had done the unthinkable. He'd broken his own rules and now he felt awful about it. He'd gone so far as to stalk the poor woman. How else would he find out about her? Was she okay? Was she still panicking? How was she faring on the base full of strangers? And why did it matter so much to him anyway? He'd used his Intel clearance to find the woman. She was the Chief Scientist on the base which made it easy for him to find her quarters and her meal assignments. So here he stood ready to go into the science lab for no reason at all but to see her and talk to her again. He tried to come up with an excuse for being there but at the moment, he couldn't come up with anything.

Jasmine turned off AFM she'd been utilizing since the electron scope went down. It was actually a much better piece of technology and Jacs hoped to keep it in her lab once the other microscope was repaired. She was leaving her lab ten minutes early to avoid the crowded corridors at the actual change of shift. "Computer, shut down the lab but keep residual program Collins 017 running in incubator six." She said as she removed her lab coat and headed toward the door.

Stepping out, Jacs walked right into Adam Keller. Her cheeks reddened as she looked up at the man. "Oh, hello." She said before quickly looking down toward the floor.

Adam had been caught off guard. He hadn't come up with a reason for being there so he pretended to be headed down the corridor toward the turbo lift. He smiled at Jacs, took a breath and spoke. "Hello Lieutenant." He tried to sound formal as he looked around. "So this is where the Science offices are. I was um, on my way to the lounge and thought I'd take a round about way and maybe learn where things were a little at a time."

"Oh," Jasmine looked around and then down again. "Yes, this is where I work."She smiled. "I just shut everything down or I would invite you in for a tour."

"It's okay." He smiled. "I remember that you're not comfortable around people..." He shrugged. "The panic attack back on the other base. I'm empathic and I did try to block your pain but..."

Jacs covered her face. "I know, my family are Betazoid but I don't seem to have the same talent or gift ...whatever it is." She confessed.

"Hey, it's okay." Adam was careful as he gently unfolded the woman's hands from her face. "I understand your fears. I'm El-Aurian and Betazoid." He gave a shrug. "I'm a good listener and quite harmless." He shrugged again and gave a smile. "Most of the time, I'm harmless. I put up blocks so as not to intrude on your feelings but some are so strong, they get through anyway."

Unsure what to say or how to reply, Jacs did what she always did. She closed down and tried to escape. "I- I need to go. The corridors will be busy and...I need."

"Let me walk you." Adam felt bad. He was trying to calm her down and it appeared he'd made things worse. "I promise, no strings. I won't even talk. I'll just help you home." He promised. "I just find myself...drawn to you." He confessed. "I don't want to spook you but I came here on purpose. I knew you were leaving. You leave your lab every day ten minutes early, take corridor D7 to the lift and then you head straight down the corridor to your quarters."

"I don't like the crowds. I need to go." She said again. She wanted to stay but her fear was greater than her faith in this man or her attraction to him.

"Take my hand and I'll lead you home." He offered his hand and smiled when she accepted it. He lead her down her normal route to the lift and then to her apartment. When they arrived he waited as she opened the doors.

"Would you want to maybe get dinner with me?" Adam asked the woman.

Jacs shook her head. How much she wanted to say yes but couldn't. "I- I can't. It's too soon - please." She stepped in the door and turned around. "But it's not you...ask me again in a couple weeks." She managed a smile as the door closed.

Adam smiled. She'd come around and he wasn't about to give up on her just yet. He called through the door. "I will." He smiled as he made plans to accidentally meet up with her again tomorrow. If he had to, he would escort her home every day until she trusted him.


Lt. Jasmine Collins
Chief Science Officer

Lt. Adam Keller
Intel Officer/NPC


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Comments (1)

By on Wed 2nd Nov, 2016 @ 9:18pm

Oh, a little romance in the mix! Nicely awkward, too. Thanks for the spice.