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Ops a Problem

Posted on Fri 14th Oct, 2016 @ 7:16pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi

793 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Deck 1101 - Auxiliary Operations Centre
Timeline: MD-02 1100 Hours

"We need someone down here right away - Deck 1101. Systems are having a meltdown!" The human female screamed over the comms, hoping someone would hear her pleas.
Vanguard had so few crew she found herself with only a handful of people whilst all the system errors were just wasn't good enough. Her Chief of Intelligence was part of the Captain's away team for a mission that had suddenly come up. She barely had time to even to introduce herself to Elas Hizik before he was called away. Before she knew problems had started emerging everywhere she seemed to go. First it was one of the lifts...the doors opened but no lift there, if she wasn't paying attention she would be dead! Small problems everywhere. And now this, the Aux Ops Centre losing all of it's power! She knew some bits, but not enough to get it back up and running!

Whilst she was panicking, trying to sort out the mess, Hunt had received the message for help. He had just seen Drake and the away team off and now problems started happening. He had four separate communications with different problems in different parts of the Starbase. He sent some of the skeleton crew to deal with the smaller problems whilst Hunt went en route to the Auxiliary Operation Centre. 40% of the bases operating systems is handled from there, so if that went down fully, Hunt could have even bigger problems. As Hunt walked out of the lift he could see how scarce the ops centre was, barely anyone around. The crew that were barely acknowledged him as they were running around playing with the computers. Hunt noticed that all the computers were black. "Who is in charge around here?" Hunt shouted.
Few people turned there heads, before a blond woman replied, "I guess I am."
As she walked towards Hunt, he realised he recognised her - It was the woman he met at the gym, Coco Kiralbi. Hunt never actually got what department she worked in or any of the finer details he would have liked, it had been too hectic for him to even get to the gym again. She still managed to look beautiful in her uniform, the dimple down her right hand side could still be seen even though she wasn't smiling. Her face dropped even more as she saw Hunt standing there. "Lieutenant Commander Hunt, nice to meet you formally," Hunt calmly said, protruding his right hand out for a hand shake.
Coco stood there for a second in disbelief. She couldn't believe this guy from the gym was Executive Officer Hunt. He seemed like a fool in the gym! He had only ever given him his first name so she had no idea. She finally shook his hand, "Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi, Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer."
"Nice to meet, what's the problem down here?" Hunt asked.
"Everything," She replied, walking over to the nearest computer. "Nothing is working, black screens in this whole centre. We can barely function as it is, let alone losing the auxiliary centre. Drake has taken my Chief and the Chief of Operations away, and this just happens to be the one place that starts messing up!"
Hunt smiled, "What's being done currently to sort it?"
"Well you're looking at it. The crew that we actually have here are trying to sort it, they can't figure out the problems behind it and if it's affecting anything," Coco replied, looking pessimistic.
Hunt didn't reply and sat down at the stations operations. He pressed some response. Pressed some more...still no response. He continued hammering away for minutes, still no luck.

Even more minutes passed, Hunt growing more conscious of how much time was actually passing and the systems still not working. He couldn't find the problem. He done the basic troubleshooting he could think of but still no joy. He sighed to himself. "Giving up so soon?" Coco asked.
"No such thing," He replied, starting with a new procedure he could think of that might sort it.
Coco raised a small smile, the first Hunt had seen today. Suddenly all the screens pinged back on. Everything started working again. "Well unfortunately that wasn't actually me that sorted that..." Hunt said.
"No surprise there," Coco sarcastically laughed.
A voice came over comms, "Problem sorted, a bleeding collection of dodgy wires. All sorted now, hopefully shouldn't see that happen again!"
The voice stopped, Hunt pressed his communicator, "Whom do I thank for fixing this mess?"
"Patrick Biere, engineering officer," The response came back.
"Thanks Patrick, your help has saved us a lot of problems."
"Thanks, Si--"
The comms stopped working. Hunt looked at Coco, "Looks like we have another problem to deal with!!"


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