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I Am NOT Temperamental!

Posted on Sat 15th Oct, 2016 @ 1:19am by

427 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Deck 600: Orchids & Jazz
Timeline: MD 2, 1130

Under normal conditions, Chef Holmes was the calmest, most quietly efficient chef Serena had ever known. She didn't throw tantrums over nothing. She never fired the sous chef. Meals were always delicious, with no complaints if an ingredient was unavailable. Marin simply substituted a different ingredient and made something as good or better than expected. Today, the conditions were not normal.

"How am I supposed to work with this?" Marin huffed at Jade's assistant manager. "The mid-day rush is already starting, tables are filling up, and I have no power to the main grill! I can do a lot of things, but cooking without heat isn't one of them!"

"I understand the problem, I really do. Let's see if we can find a solution," Serena said, calmly. Her brain was frantically searching for a viable option to the main grill. "The ovens are still working?"

"Yes, yes, and we have all the breads and desserts made," the Head Chef agreed, "but I can't fix smoked salmon in the oven, and there's no way to cook that chicken loaf that we put together for the sandwiches today. There'll be no corned beef because you can't just bake that! We'll actually get through lunch okay, but the dinner meals ... the preparation starts now! I can't grill steaks, or make fried chicken or trout or ... well anything! This isn't in my contract, cooking without the tools I need."

Obviously, the lack of a grill was traumatic for the chef. "So ... you basically need some place where you can fry things, correct?"

Marin looked at her, and shook her head. Alia was a very nice lady, and a great manager, but she wasn't a chef. She simply didn't get it. The Chef sighed. "I suppose," she agreed reluctantly. "It won't be my best effort, but ... if Jade doesn't mind having second class food coming out of her kitchen ... a heat source and a frying pan or three will have to do." She sounded glum, for good reason. Marin hated turning out anything that wasn't her very best effort.

"Let me get engineering up here and see what they can figure out for you, and maybe they can even fix the grill," Serena encouraged the other woman. "I'm sure whatever you cook, under the worst of conditions, will be the best thing our customers have ever eaten." That sounded as if she were simply trying to soothe Chef Holmes, but the fact was, Serena meant it 100% sincerely. "Both Jade and I have every confidence in your ability to deal with this crisis."


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 15th Oct, 2016 @ 2:04am

Kellian Michaels suggests, "Try gazpacho."