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Old... friends?

Posted on Thu 29th Sep, 2016 @ 3:34am by Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard

654 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Sick Bay
Timeline: Current mission time
Tags: Shepard, Addams

As Rico walked down the Staircase corridor, he found a sign labeled sickbay pointing in the direction he was walking. "Good." Shepard said to himself. He really wanted to get his coming aboard physical out of the way so that he could meet his new commanding officer. As he rounded a corner, he found himself right in front of the sickbay doors.

He went through the doors and found the bay bustling with busy people. "Uhmmm can anyone help me?" He called out to the staff.

A tall, pale woman in the black and blue uniform of Starfleet medical turned away from talking with a Tellarite in admin rust. Her dark eyes quickly scanned Shepard. "I am Doctor Addams," she responded. "With what are you in need of assistance?"

Rico looked to Doctor Addams and felt that he recognized her from somewhere. He walked over to where she was standing and reached into the cargo pocket of his uniform pants. "Hey ma'am. This Starbase is my new duty station and I need to be cleared by medical before I can check on duty." Rico continued staring at Addams as if he was trying to place her from some part of his past.

Addams raised an eyebrow, but accepted the PADD. "Is there something fascinatingly wrong with you?" she asked, skimming through his medical record. "A rare illness? Troublesome implants?"

Rico frowned a little bit as he listened to the list of maladies that the Doctor rattled off. "None of the above ma'am. At least I pray I don't have some rare illness." Again, Rico stared at the doctor as if he knew her from somewhere. He finally decided to ask her about his hunch. "Doctor Addams. I have this sinking feeling that we know each other from somewhere. Have we previously met?"

Addams looked up from the PADD, and considered Shepard's face. "I never forget a fa...." She broke off, looked down at the PADD in her hand, and sighed. "I have amnesia," she admitted. "It is possible we have met, but if so, I do not recall it."

"I'm pretty sure we have somewhere. I want to say you had some type of pet maybe? it all seems so fuzzy." Rico stated with the same frown on his face. "Well, I could have been mistaken Who knows." Rico walked over to one of the biobeds in the sickbay and hopped on it. "Do I need to lay down for this exam Doc?" He asked.

"I have a Zeta Reticulan spider," Addams answered. She frowned slightly as Shepard approached the biobed. "No exam is required," she answered.

"OK then Doc. What do I need to do then?" The chief Ops officer asked.

"A dock is a place where cargo is transshipped," Addams responded absently. She pulled up the clearance form on the PADD and thumbprinted it before handing the PADD back. "It is a misaprehension that an exam is necessary upon reporting to a new command. What is required is that a medical officer checks to ensure there is a baseline measurement of health status. As you used a transporter to come aboard, that baseline exists. There are no flagged issues, so you are cleared for duty."

Amazed, Rico took the PADD from the Doctor and felt bad because of her response to him. "No disrespect was intended ma'am . That's what we called our Doctor aboard my old ship." Rico looked for a way to extend an olive branch, but couldn't quite figure anything out at the moment, so he thought it would be best to leave.m"Well, is that it ma'am? He asked.

"That's it," the Doctor reaffirmed. "Come back if you come down with something fascinating!"

Rico laughed as he placed the duffel bag back over his shoulder and took the PADD back from Addams. "I will definitely make sure it is fascinating before I step back through these doors Doc."


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Comments (1)

By on Thu 29th Sep, 2016 @ 4:44am

So okay, I laughed because you called her Doc again in the last word of the post. LOL You are evil.