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Running Late

Posted on Tue 27th Sep, 2016 @ 5:20pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Elas Hizik
Edited on on Tue 27th Sep, 2016 @ 5:25pm

338 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Prologue
Location: On Entrance to Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: Present

Hunt had received word that their new Chief Intelligence Officer was about to board Vanguard - only two days late, but better late then never. He decided to take the time out of his day to actually meet him. Elas Hizik was his name. Hunt knew very little about him and was keen to meet him. The ensign that was on board the runabout that dropped Hunt off on the first day came up to him, "Lieutenant Hizik will be here within 5 minutes, Commander."
"No formalities... You know this already!" Hunt replied. The young girl blushed and walked off as Hunt continued to wait.

Hizik stood up, ready to board Vanguard. A large, imposing mountain of a man; his uniform and face seemed to be having a competition as to which was more decorated. Hair greyed before its time, a sign that it's owner was a veteran of many years in active service. As Hunt approached, in the nick of time he realised that this stranger did not at all fit the description he had been handed, and the gold name badge caught his eye as the fluorescent fighting in the docking station swept over it, glinting. FARRELL. This wasn't his CIO.

Before he had too long to dwell on the awkwardness of the pilot walking straight past his outstretched hand, or that the ship was due to leave soon, without any intelligence (not for a first time some of the lower squad members would remark), a young Betazoid, barely out of school, let alone starfleet, bounded down the mezzanine towards the ship. Cup of jestral tea from Starfleetbucks to go in one hand, slightly battered yet good quality portmanteau in the other, it became clear to Hunt that his fresh faced lieutenant clearly had connections to have landed such a position, perhaps a father who had a career's worth of favours to spend.

"" wheezed Elas. If he was going to last one mission without being vaporised, he would have beaten Hunt's expectations.


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