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We Meet Again

Posted on Mon 17th Oct, 2016 @ 12:59pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Major Kyle Green

491 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Cloak & Dagger
Location: Deck 100: Corridor outside Shuttlebay Commander's Office
Timeline: Prologue

Major Green needed to find the Colonel and report in to him. He asked the computer where the CO was on the starbase.

Drake had just finished a meeting with a rather stern Shuttlebay Commander on Deck 100. This particular NCO decided that as Starfleet were not resupplying the station fast enough, that the blame for this should be assigned to Drake. He had left with a promise of obtaining one hundred and fifty more shuttles over the next three weeks. Was this even possible? Did he just commit to be able to get out faster?

Major Green was walking on Deck 100 and to the shuttle area and then noticing a Marine Colonel and say, "Horatio?!"

Drake had all but walked past the fellow Marine by the time he raised his head to inspect the face of the familiar deep voice. A taller man with broad shoulders and a warm smile met his gaze. "Kyle? Bloody Hell, is that you?"

Kyle said, "Sure as shit is. How are you, Colonel? I got my commission restored! Shall we get a drink?"

"I heard about that... what happened? Why did they take it away from you in the first place?" Drake felt like he had been thrown into a temporal vortex, he hadn't seen his fellow Marine in a number of years.

"I'd love to but I'm up to my neck in administrational work at the moment... I scarcely feel like a Marine these days!" He laughed.

Kyle said, "There was an issue that came up, and I felt it best to resign, it has been worked out and I was able to resume my career with my current rank of Major. If your having a difficult time feeling like a Marine maybe you and I can go on an expedition."

"I think I'm going to have to take you up on that and not before too long, either! What I wouldn't give to be back on the Liberation right now... those days seemed to be one adventure after the next!" Drake pondered what he had just said for a moment... he supposed it was the same for everyone... in hindsight the past always seemed more colourful, more vivid and just all round better than it actually probably was. He wondered why we, as a species, thought in this way... perhaps that was a question for Lieutenant Graves, he had no doubt he'd be seeing much more of him in the coming months.

"Well listen, Kyle, it's been fantastic bumping into you but I've got to crack on! We'll arrange something soon!" With a wave of his hand and a tap on the shoulder, he continued on his way.

OOC: Sorry the ending is slightly rushed, this has been in the works for some time and I wanted to get it posted before we get too far away from the prologue! Christian, I hope you don't mind me taking the liberty of doing this!


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