
  • 5 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

Fri 14th Oct, 2016 @ 3:25pm

Lieutenant David Anthony

Name David Brandon Anthony

Position Chief Tactical & Strategic Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 180#
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Physically fit. Glasses. Short brown hair and blue eyes that can look thru you. Somewhat good looking, but non descript in overall appearance. He does have a scar on his right elbow


Spouse Michelle
Children Son- Zach
Father Jerry (deceased)
Mother Irene
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family No one close

Personality & Traits

General Overview Stickler for details. Strives to be punctual, if not early. He is always trying to learn something new. He has strong religious beliefs. He is a quiet and shy until he gets to know a person better. People have to work to gain his trust.
Strengths & Weaknesses Always learning and trying to improve
Confident in himself and his abilities
He has a temper which is a continual struggle to control
His religious beliefs ( Botha strength and hindrance)
Ambitions Command one of the combat ships with planes and marines and loaded for war
Hobbies & Interests Physical fitness is number #1. That comes in the way of swimming, running, hiking, rock/mountain climbing, boxing, and the martial arts. He loves animals. He reads continually on military history and tactics

Personal History He was a skinny and weak boy. He loved to hang out with his dad, and pretend that he was a marine also. His father died in a training exercise just before he entered school.

After the grief passed, he started to get in shape. Marines are not skinny and weak but strong and brave. So he got in better shape until he wasn't skinny and weak.

He quickly grew bored in school, as a lot of the classes were so easy for him. He started taking advanced courses for the challenge. He started to play team sports which helped teach him the value of everyone working together for the common goal.

He graduated high school top in his class.
Service Record 2377 - entered Starfleet Academy
2382 - graduated Star Fleet Academy 2nd in his class
2382 - married his high school sweetheart
2382 - assigned to the USS Gryphon as an Ensign in the Gunnery Division as Assistant Division Officer
2383 - his son Zach is born
2383 - promoted to Division Officer Sensor Operations
2383 - promoted to LTJG
2384 - assigned to Mars Combat Base as a drill instructor
2385 - promoted to LT
2385 - went to Earth Academy to get his Masters in Electrical Engineering
2387 - graduates from the Earth Academy with his Masters Degree
2387 - Assigned to the USS Calypso as Assistant Department Head
2387 - starts his Officer of the Watch training
2388 - certified as Officer of the Watch
2389 - Assigned to Mars Combat Base as a staff officer
2390 - assigned to the USS Nautilas as Assistant Department Head
2391 - assigned Mars Combat Base for Combat Operations Advanced Officer Course
2391 - remains at Mars Combat Base and takes the Department Head course
2392 - assigned to Starbase Vanguard