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Working Out

Posted on Sat 17th Sep, 2016 @ 10:36pm by Commander Zachary Hunt & Lieutenant Coco Kiralbi

862 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Prologue
Location: Deck 44: Starfleet Gymnasium
Timeline: Late Evening

Hunt always made sure he kept physically fit and in shape, hence why he decided to check the Gym out on deck 44. If he wasn't out socialising or reading in his quarters then this is the place he would likely to be. As he entered the gym, he noticed that it was fairly empty in terms of people. The equipment inside was shining new, even though it had been here for so long and unused. Compared to some of the tour he had of Vanguard, the gymnasium looked pristine. The gym had everything Hunt needed to stay in shape, the usual treadmills and exercise bikes, and then parts for different sports such as basketball and racquetball.

Hunt quickly got changed into his gym clothes and started out on the treadmill. He kept it at a casual pace as he didn't want to exert himself so soon after arriving. It was only after a few minutes he noticed the part of the gym he was in was empty barring a blond woman on one of the nearby treadmills. She was the definition of beautiful, long blond hair flowing down past her shoulders and slim. Apart from her, all the other equipment was empty and unused.

Hunt continued running on the treadmill for another hour before stopping. As he stopped, he glanced across at the blond lady. She was still running. He walked over and focused on her. The nearer he got, the more he noticed that she had the treadmill on high and was running quicker then he was. She didn't seem to notice him...either that or she ignored him. Hunt was amused by her, by how fast she was running and the fact that she barely broke a sweat. He watched her for a bit longer before breaking silence. "Hello!" He exclaimed.
The woman didn't reply and continued running. Hunt got more intrigued, "Hello!" He said louder then before.
The woman turned the treadmill down to a slow walking pace, "What do you want?" She asked, sounding a bit annoyed.
"Sorry love. Just wanted to say hello. Can't I get away with doing that?" Hunt replied with a laugh.
"No," She replied quickly. "Not when you've been watching me for a fair while before piping up!"
Hunt didn't quite know what to say back to her, "How did you know? At no point did you even look round."
"I'm not stupid," She sternly said, continuing her mild run.
Hunt didn't bother to reply as he was actually lost for words for once. The woman stopped the treadmill and walked up to Hunt. Hunt found her even more beautiful now she was closer. Her piercing green eyes looked at him as she raised one of her eyebrows at him, before starting to walk off. "COME ON! I WAS ONLY BEING NICE!" Hunt shouted to her.
She turned and walked slowly backwards, "I know guys like you!"
"You've never met a guy like me!"
She gave him a sarcastic smile and turned back around. Hunt caught up with her, not giving up just yet. "I haven't even got your name yet," Hunt quipped.
"Why do you need it?" She replied.
"Well I prefer to talk to people - especially those as beautiful as you - and actually know their name. I'm only trying to be nice," Hunt said.
"Nice huh?" She sniggered to herself. "That's what all the guys say....thought I hadn't met a guy like you."
"Brilliant! The first person I speak to whilst having some recreational time is sarcastic towards me!" Hunt exclaimed.
She tried to hide a smile as Hunt said that. "The name is Coco. Coco Kiralbi. Try not to take too much offense, but I get so much male attention I get fed up of it all the time. I've got onto this base and you come stumbling into the gym and for me it's the same old story."
"Finally! A name! Coco is a very nice name," Hunt said flirtatiously. "I was only trying to be nice, honest! You were the only person in this area! You were running so fast and barely breaking a sweat from it that you intrigued me. It's like you're superhuman!"
"No such thing. I just work out... a lot! Clearly more than you! I noticed how slow you were going on the treadmill!" Coco laughed.
Hunt didn't know how to reply, he didn't even realise that she had noticed him, so he just smiled at her. There was a couple of seconds of silence before Hunt broke it again, "Well Coco, I best be getting some sleep. So I will leave you now. I'm sure you're happy with that! It was nice to meet a friendly face!" Hunt laughed sarcasticly.
"Look here, we have a joker!" She exclaimed.
Hunt laughed again, "You know it! Night Coco." He started to walk off, whistling to himself.
"WAIT!" Coco shouted. "I didn't even get your name!"
"Ohhhhhh! So you want to know mine now?! How the tables turn!! It's Zachary, but please, call me Zach!" He shouted back towards her. He continued whistling as he exited the gym and left her standing there.


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