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Posted on Fri 16th Sep, 2016 @ 10:15pm by Commander Zachary Hunt

551 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Prologue
Location: Runabout Lincoln: En route to SB Vanguard
Timeline: Prologue

An ensign came to tell Hunt that they were approaching the Starbase. He had been awake for the whole journey, contemplating what the future held for him. He was proud of his career, but not so thrilled to be aboard a run down Starbase. In the eyes of Starfleet it was seen as promotion, but Hunt knew that they chose him due to his Machiavellian ways. He had orders and he was there to execute them.

Hunt had always been sly and mischievous and would always do something for his own good; in this instance he gets something out of these orders so wouldn’t break a sweat to carry them out. Hunt always thought his career as simple, starting off with graduating from the Academy for Science 13 years ago. It was through reading where he learnt his love for Science – all Sciences. Only after the Academy, he realised he had a love for the unknown, such as new species and organisms. Soon he was assigned to the USS Adams as a Xenologist, a role he loved, a role which he could have happily stayed in forever if it wasn’t for the desire to be the very best.

Soon after this, Hunt was working alongside his brother, Eddie, on the USS Johnson. He always had a good relationship with Eddie, even though his Mother always favoured the older brother. It was half a difficult childhood for Hunt, his Mother always looked down upon him and he could never do anything right in her eyes. She had this view that he was worthless all through his childhood for no apparent reason. The other half went by smoothly; he was always a charming boy who was always smart for his age. The older he got the more he tried to hide this intelligence rather than stand out for it. By the time he proved his Mother that he wasn’t as worthless as she thought, she had passed away. No tears were shed from Hunt. He worked with Eddie for two years before he moved ships, however still keeps in contact with him.

After the two years working with Eddie, Hunt found himself as Assistant Chief Science Officer on the USS Calypso, before eventually becoming the Chief Science Officer. Although the time on the USS Johnson had been fairly simple for Hunt, the USS Calypso was completely different. The ship always found itself in the most precarious situations. Due to Hunt’s ability to solve problems quickly, he was recognised and made Chief Science Officer and Second Officer of the USS Einstein. Following more success he was eventually promoted to Lieutenant Commander, Executive Officer, on board the Starbase Vanguard.

“We are almost at Vanguard,” The young lady said to Hunt, stirring him from his thoughts.
He had asked her to drop the formalities whilst she addressed him. Hunt is extremely flirtatious, but rarely would take anything further. People seemed to like the way he was, his general feel good attitude seemed to filter down to everyone. “Cheers my girl,” He replied back.
She didn’t know whether to say something back to him so shyly smiled and walked off. Hunt stood up, took a deep breath…ready for the new adventure waiting him. He had his orders from Starfleet, ready to follow!


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