A "secure" beginning
Posted on Mon 24th Feb, 2014 @ 2:47am by Colonel Marcus DeSalle & Lieutenant Adam Keller
1,035 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: Commander's Ready Room, Ops
Timeline: The morning after the welcome aboard ceremony
Marcus went to the replicator in his ready room. "Old Earth Soft Drink, Mountain Dew. forty two degrees Fahrenheit, four ice cubes, full thirty-two ounce glass," he said. The transporter effect released his guilty pleasure exactly as ordered. He tapped his comm badge. "Lieutenant Commander Kell, please report to the Commander's ready room." He took his frosty beverage, and sat at his desk and waited for the inevitable chime.
Nyx was napping with Suri when the call came so Devyn was able to sneak out. In just a few minutes,he was standing outside the Colonel's ready room and chimed the door. He straightened his uniform quickly and made sure he had his best possible appearance before being welcomed in.
The chime sounded, and Marcus said, "come", opening the door remotely.
Devyn stepped in and nodded while he was at attention. "Lieutenant Commander Devyn Kell reporting as ordered sir."
"At ease, commander," Marcus nodded. "Have a seat. This is an informal meeting, Mister Kell." He moved over to his replicator and ordered an old earth soft drink, "Mountain Dew." The he looked at Devyn. "Care for anything?"
"Raktajino, hot." He smiled. "And don't tell my wife." He grinned as he took a seat. "She says I drink too many caffeinated beverages." He looked around the room. It already looked more welcoming than when Drake was here. Drake was a good man and a good leader but there always seemed to be a sadness about him that Devyn picked up on even without trying. "Welcome aboard by the way." He smiled again as he accepted the drink from the Colonel.
"Thank you, Mister Kell. Mum's the word." He grinned as he sat down. "As you can probably tell, this is an informal interview, just to get to know you, and your feelings on what's been happening aboard the station, as well as what you think can be done better. So tell me about yourself." He sat back, relaxed, and yet somehow gave the impression (a true one) of being interested.
"Isn't too much to tell about me. As a part Betazoid, I am telepathic but choose to use my skills only when required by duty, at home with my family, or when dealing with telepathic races that prefer communication that way. I'm a recent newlywed and father." He sipped his drink and then sat forward. "I'm sure my record stands for itself and as a Commanding Officer, you'd have access to things others don't have so you know about some of the missions I've been on. But you should know that my loyalties lay with my CO, and Star Fleet." He was a simple man with simple rules.
Marcus smiled. "Well, congratulations on both your wedding and on becoming a dad! Those are both achievements that have as yet eluded me. However, I am a firm believer in the principle that if I don't know what's broken, I can't fix it. If there is something you feel could be improved upon, or something you'd like to see changed, I expect you to tell me about it. Fair enough?"
Devyn nodded. "Fair enough. I've never been one to not speak up so that shouldn't be an issue." He took another drink from his cup and relaxed a bit more. The man was likable enough. He came in with good intentions and Devyn couldn't fault him for the condition of things on the station before his arrival. "I would like to say that this is the first station where Tactical officers fell under the Strategic Ops division and not under the umbrella of Security." He looked at the man. "If you chose to switch it back, I wouldn't complain. The tactical officers would augment my security teams."
Col. DeSalle nodded. "Thank you. I'll take that under advisement. Was there anything else?"
"You're going to hear things about my wife." He wasn't sure if he should speak for Nyx or not but he knew the man would get a skewed answer if he listened only to Adanyxia. "By all means believe what she tells you but also understand that she dislikes Colonel Karikkar immensely so her version of what is going on with him is extremely exaggerated." He paused for a moment to make sure he worded things properly.
"Karikkar is trying to help Nyx despite her misgivings. But she is fighting him every step of the way because she finds it hard to trust Vulcans and Marines. Karikkar is both and then he married a woman that was attached to me at one time...something that Nyx has difficulty forgiving." He smiled. "She's learning to trust but it's going to take time. Karikkar is arrogant enough to believe he can make her come around."
"Can he?" Marcus asked point-blank. "Or would a different strategy work better? I've read her file. and since you're her spouse, I don't feel any ethical qualms about telling you that I am willing to work with her. However, I don't want to upset what's already in motion if it has a good chance of freeing her from the collar and leash."
Devyn laughed. "I don't know for sure if it will work but since working with him...she has learned to hold her tongue for longer periods of time." He chuckled. "Outside of the medical clinic, Nyx is well a bit of a spoiled brat. Karikkar has begun to put her in her place. She's actually growing up." He shrugged because he loved her no matter how she acted. He'd seen her at her most vulnerable and understood her anger and insecurity. "Maturity is the first step from what I've been led to believe...control your temper in human form, you can control the beast more easily."
"That sounds like a good strategy. I'll gather some more information before making a decision. But for now, let's keep things as they are." He stood. "If there's nothing else, you are dismissed. I'm glad to be working with you."
"Glad to have you here sir." Devyn got up and nodded before turning to leave.
Colonel Marcus DeSalle
Star Base Protector
Lt Cmdr Devyn Kell
Chief Security Officer,
Star Base Protector