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First Meetings: DeSalle

Posted on Mon 24th Feb, 2014 @ 11:37am by Lieutenant Zhara Rynn & Colonel Marcus DeSalle

750 words; about a 4 minute read



Zhara took her time settling in to her new quarters. They were larger than anything she'd lived in while in Starfleet and she wanted them to be perfect; not just for her, but for Sophia as well. This was to be their refuge when work became difficult or too many people needed her attention. But once she was done, and had taken Sophia on a log run on the holodeck, it was time to meet her new Commanding Officer.

She found him, as she suspected, in his office by the command center. She left Sophia with a bowl of water and headed to the nearest turbolift.

When she arrived at her destination, she smoothed her hair to make sure she looked properly professional and rang the door chime.

"Come," came the baritone reply, and the door slid open with a pneumatic "whoosh".

Zhara stepped inside the room, raised her hands, palms together and gave him a half bow. "Hello, Colonel. I am Zhara Rynn, your new counselor."

Marcus stood, extending his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, counselor."

She stepped forward and shook his hand. "The pleasure is mine."

He went to his replicator unit and ordered an old earth soft drink, "Mountain Dew". He glanced at her. "Can I get you anything?" he asked

"Rose tea would be lovely, thank you."

He ordered a Rose Tea, and when it had materialized, he handed it to her. He sat down, and indicated that she could do the same. "Have you had a chance to meet any of the station personnel, yet?" he asked her.

"No. You are my first, Colonel," she said blithely. "I always like to start at the top." She took a sip of her tea while she waited for him to respond to that.

Marcus smiled at that. "Makes sense. Get to know the leadership to help you understand those he leads. The only problem you might run into is that I'm new here, too. The only experience the crew has had with me so far is to hear a speech I gave the other night." He shifted in his chair. "I'm actually glad you're here. I'd like to know more about your counseling style, if I may. I assume you custom tailor it to the needs of your patients, but in general, do you prefer a clinical, or a more personal approach?"

"I'm definitely a more personal type," Zhara replied. "I use therapy animals, aromatherapy, music, visual and tactical stimuli. A person is far more than just their mind. In order to help someone, I need to reach them on several levels." Zhara found that the senses were a good way to get through a person's defenses. Then she could reach the person and help them use sensory stimuli to help them find their own way to mental health.

"Seems like a good strategy to me. Do you find it hard to remain clinically detached while using such methods?"

"Sometimes." She shrugged. "But it does not impede my work if I begin to care for some of my patients. They are people, after all. I can care about them, be concerned for them, and remain professional. For most of my patients I can remain detached." She smiled at the Colonel. "It is the same for you, is it not? You can care for your crew, but there are times you must remain detached in order to do your job."

"That's a fair analogy," he said, thoughtfully. "As long as Florence Nightingale syndrome doesn't enter the picture, I'm fine with that." He grinned, showing the humor in his statement. "Did you have any questions of me? Anything you want to know?"

"There are many things I want to know, Colonel," Zhara said with a slight smirk on her lips. "But that will wait for your evaluation. As for a Nightingale Syndrome ... I've been around the block a few too many times to let that influence me."

"Good," he said, standing. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, counselor, and I hope we'll get to chat again. However, I have a few things to take care of. Please let me know if there is anything you need, or anything I can do for you." He extended his hand.

Zhara stood as well. "I will, Colonel," she said, shaking his hand. "May the fates favor your journey." Smiling again, she turned and and headed to her next destination.


Colonel Marcus DeSalle

Lieutenant Zhara Rynn
Chief Counselor


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