
  • 24 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

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Sat 25th Apr, 2015 @ 6:13am

Colonel Marcus DeSalle

Name Marcus "Sniper" DeSalle

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Colonel

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Fair-skinned. Physically fit. slight scar on forehead, just below hairline.


Spouse n/a
Children n/a
Father Henri
Mother Giselle
Brother(s) Jean-Paul
Sister(s) Marie-Laure
Other Family n/a

Personality & Traits

General Overview Easy-going and affable. Marcus thinks the best of everyone until they prove him wrong. He is friendly and outgoing, but does not suffer fools lightly, regardless of their rank or status. He is willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt, but his motto is, "Once bitten, Twice shy."
Strengths & Weaknesses Marcus is anatural-born leader, able to inspire confidence and courage in his subordinates, settling for nothing less than their best. and getting it from them. In combat, he is lethal. His loyalty to his crew and his fellow Marines is both a strength and a weakness. He will protect them, doing anything within reason to make sure that they all come home, but this can blind him to their personality flaws. He is also very stubborn, and once he latches on to an idea, it takes a lot to make him let go of it.
Ambitions Marcus wants to make general some day, not because of the prestige it brings, but because he realizes that Generals can get things done to improve the survivability and safety of the men and women under his command.
Hobbies & Interests All kinds of sports, contests of strength, strategy, and cunning. He enjoys tri-d chess, even though he's not very good. He likes Holo-simming, but he also reads books, loves Fantasy sword and sorcery, and is fond of musical theater. If he weren't an officer in StarFleet, he'd like to be an actor.
Fed. Std., French, and Klingon

Personal History Marcus comes from a long line of military men and women. His family can trace its associations with the military all the way back to the French Foreign Legion, back on Earth. He is a fourth-generation Marine. raised on Starships and star bases, he has never had a permanent place to call "home". The Corps is his home, the military discipline of the Marine Corps has been ingrained into him since he was old enough to talk. He has never married, but is open to the idea, even though he believes that such things are beyond his reach at this stage of his life.
Service Record 1st assignment: 2nd lieutenant aboard USS Alioth, Platoon commander, 3rd Platoon, First MSSG, 4th Force Service Support Group, 7th Marine Division, Alpha Quadrant. Awarded Good Conduct Medal. Promoted to 1st Lt. after two years. Transferred to USS Agincourt

2nd assignment: 1st Lt. aboard USS Agincourt, Company XO, Bravo Company, 6th MSSG, 4th FSSG, 7th Marines, Alpha Quadrant. Axinar Medal of Honor for conspicuous Gallantry awarded for actions during Rigellian Maquis attack on Federation Outposts near the Briar Patch. Singlehandedly saved four fellow Marines under heavy fire by Maquis forces, drawing fire and allowing his fellow Marines to evacuate. Field promotion to Captain after death of immediate superior. assigned as company commander. Promoted to Major after four years in that position.

Recalled to Earth for evaluation after displaying symptoms of PTSD. While there, faced court martial for disobeying a direct order. Exonerated, and record expunged.

Promoted to Major, and assigned to Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego as Base Logistics and Embarkation Officer. Served for five years. Increased base Log-Embark readiness by 78% during his tenure, and re-wrote Logistics and Embarkation manuals at the Battalion level and above. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

Requested transfer to field position, but was denied. Assigned to Star Base Protector and promoted to Colonel. Current Assignment.