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The Planning Commission Breakfast

Posted on Thu 11th Jul, 2013 @ 5:19am by Maia Dalton & Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone & Jalor
Edited on on Thu 11th Jul, 2013 @ 1:23pm

1,106 words; about a 6 minute read

Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 400: Loft
Timeline: Current, 0845

"Did we hear back from everyone invited?" Jade asked Serena.

"Yes, everyone except ... William Lev," Serena answered. "Actually, I haven't had time to check it out, but I heard his tailor's shop closed down suddenly, so I suppose he's left the station."

"How odd. He seemed to be doing quite well. Perhaps it was the woman. Well, that still leaves us plenty of input from the Promenade, and one or two from Starfleet. Colonel Drake has pretty much given me a free hand with the Gardens. I'll need input from Science and Engineering, certainly," the club owner said.

"Ms Lantz, you're starting to fret," her assistant informed her.

Jade looked at her sideways. "I know, I can feel it. It's just that this is so important. I hope we can come to some agreements today and get things moving forward. The river, of course, will take the most time, but I think we can start some of the other parts while that's being built. Plenty of snacks, right?"

"An entire buffet of snacks against the back wall. The other tables form a U, as you asked, and everyone can see all the others seated around the outside of the table. It's going to be fine. Oh, your framed concept drawings are up on the walls, too, so you'll have those to refer to as you describe what you're hoping to build. I think that's everything on the list," Serena smiled. "Now relax. It's going to go well."

Jade was repeating those words forty-five minutes later as she welcomed the committee members in the loft area and invited them to fill plates from the ample breakfast and snack foods along the buffet.

Lys came in she smiled warmly at Jade, "Good morning," and went to the buffet and grabbed and banana and a scone and a mug of coffee.

T'scholk walked in, his casual pace kept his body language in check. "Good morning, I sincerely apologize if I am late," he said in his calm demeanor. T'scholk was carefully pushing a small cart with various food and drinks on top. "I hope you don't mind, I brought in some herbal tea, along with a shipment of something called root beer, among with other items we can snack on," T'scholk said as he looked around and saw the buffet. "I am extremely sorry, I didn't mean to add too much food to your marvelous buffet."

"More food is always welcome!" Jade said. "I'll bet if you push the cart over by the buffet, there will be many takers for these. I myself am going to try your root beer." Jade suited action to word, picking up a brown bottle from the top of his cart before he wheeled it away. She didn't normally drink from such a container, but the long neck on the bottle seemed to invite exactly that, so ... When in Risa ... she thought, and took a sip of the icy beverage.

Jalar entered next. He was carrying a steaming mug of aromatic tea and a plate of scones. When he saw the buffet his face remained unchanged, impassive. Seeing the other man with the cart he moved and sat his plate down at the end of the buffet. "Interesting," he said rather noncommittally.

He found some fruit and toast and put them on the plate. He wasn't totally opposed to meat especially since he knew it wasn't real, but he avoided it when he could.

Maia hurried in sure that she was going to be late and make a bad impression. When she saw the others mulling about the table of food, she smiled and walked over to join them. Quickly pushing her hair back from her face, she looked over the buffet set before her. Even synthetic meats turned her stomach so she avoided that area of the table and instead filled her plate with the fresh cut fruits and granola that had been provided for the group. Still feeling awkward at being the youngest member of the team, she took a seat near the end of the table - not really off by herself but more separated from them than any other seat. Her plan was to 'blend in' with the group and not say or do anything too different or unique.

Lys stood there for a few moments and then moved to sit next to one of the people she didn't know. "Hi," she said to Maia. "I'm Lys."

"Hi," Maia smiled up at the woman who didn't appear much older than her. It was nice to see she wasn't the only one here that young. Sometimes it just felt like it.

Flavia had left Terminus with her husband, Marcus, this morning. Herodia was minding the shop until she got back, and she felt free to enjoy a snack ... and don't those orange scones look delicious?. She looked forward to some conversation with a group of adults. She wanted to help plan the floral plantings in public places in the gardens.

th'Elex climbed the steps to the loft, glanced around and took a seat. He wasn't interested in the food, from what he could see, but he was very interested in the planning meeting. He hoped he'd be able to get an ice cave included somewhere. It would be nice to feel real ice beneath his fingers, and know that it was ice, not a hologram.

Jade stood at the head of the table and called out. "I'd like to thank you all for coming this morning. I'm very excited to get started. Please, get something to eat and then find a seat. We'll get started shortly. I don't believe in long meetings, so we're only going to talk about a few things this morning."

~I like this woman,~ Jalor thought, Logical, concise, not full of herself.~ He had noticed one other person at the buffet avoiding the meat section as well. Someone else was already sitting at her table, but it was illogical to assume they would mind if he sat with them. Still when he approached he did the human thing, he asked for permission to sit with them.

Lys smiled and raised an eyebrow at Maia to see if it was ok.

Maia, trying to remember her manners, smiled politely through a mouthful of fruit and nodded to Lys.

Jalor stood there waiting for a response an impassive look on his face.

Finally she motioned, "Please sit."

Jade watched as every shifted from chatting by the food to sitting at the long table she'd arranged. When everyone was comfortable, she stood. "Let's get started, then.


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