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Sat 14th Jun, 2014 @ 9:51pm

Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone

Name Lys Greystone

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/2 Human (Native American) 1/2 El Aurian
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5' - 7"
Weight 127 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A beautiful, very feminine woman.
She has a look that says that she is wise beyond her visual years,
It is apparent that she takes the time needed to care for her appearance and that she keeps in shape.


Spouse Orrin Greystone - deceased
Children unborn, first months of pregnancy - miscarried
Father Anders Whitewater
Mother Camille, left, possbily deceased
Brother(s) Tor Whitewater
Thom Whitewater
Sister(s) Lilac Whitewater
Other Family Grandmother Rose Whitewater
Others - posibly, if so they are unknown at this time.

Personality & Traits

General Overview She is cheerful and loves to laugh. Though her laughter doesn't come as often as it used to. She is also good listener and a good friend once she feels she can trust you. She also tries to be fair and to choose what she feels is the best course of action for any venture. At times she sadness takes over, from her loss which she has yet to readily speak about. Time of course will pass and this pain will lessen and heal the wound and she will start to laugh and smile a bit more then what she used to.
Strengths & Weaknesses strong willed
highly educated
Reads people well (as in behavior patterns, mannerisms) (she is a scientist so this would be natural.)
cheerful (she smiles often - see note about loss will take time to heal)
cares for people too much when they become close or her friend.
because of her loss, she tends to keep to herself - but she is not anti social either.

(will add as needed - this will change over time)

Lys as part of El Arurian has a limited form of an empathic ability.
Ambitions She has mostly achieved her dream to be a star fleet officer, but she has additional dreams, to be revealed over time. Just as most people, they change somewhat. One is to have a family again, but first to have her heart healed over the loss of her husband (away mission accident) and unborn child.
Hobbies & Interests Paints
Plants specifically flowers
Likes the ocean, beach, horse back riding
Martial arts - learning other ways of protecting oneself
Reads every thing she can get her hands on

Personal History Lys (Leie, or Lei - pronunciation) was born the youngest on May 15, to an El Aurian mother and a human father. Her mother disappeared one day never to return. Her father gave up searching for her years ago. He never knew why Lys mother disappeared, that or he never told and he knows the truth.

It is not really known now long Lys or her siblings will live. Obviously longer then a typical human.

She was raised on Earth by her her grandmother (Native American) while her father was away. Her siblings are much older then she is and have families and careers of their own. Lys lived there most of her live, she followed in the footsteps of her grandmother, who taught her about herbs, roots, medicines that can come from such and from her father she learned and desired to study ancient ways of her people and that love grew beyond just her race, but to hers as well. One way for her to accomplish that was to attend Starfleet.

age 16 - College - focus on Archaeology, Anthropology, Botany
Starfleet Academy - Science
Science Ship Luxembourg SO
assigned to Starbase Protector
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Science
USS Luxembourg, Science Officer
Assigned to Starbase Protector, CSciO