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Posted on Mon 12th Aug, 2013 @ 10:08pm by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone

709 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: XO's Office

The Chief Science Officer decided that it was time to meet the XO so she pressed the chime as she stood out patiently outside.

Cara looked up and called out "Come in."

Lys walked in and came to attention. "Ma'am, Lieutenant Lys Greystone reporting for duty"

"Welcome aboard Lt."

"Thank you Ma'am." Lys eyed the executive officer for a moment "Ma'am if this is not a good time I can come back later."

"Its fine ... you've saved me from dying of paperwork boredom. Karrikar and the Captain are keeping me under watch til we can be sure that it is safe."

"Do I dare ask?" Lys queried with a small smile

Cara grinned "Oh the usual meddles with person ... person runs away ...mans other misdemeanors come to light while man and meddled person on same station." Cara waited to see how good she was at putting two and two together.

Lys raised an eyebrow "So, said meddled person is still hiding and man is still at large. Don't oyu think that this, is not really the best place to hide?" After all this would be one of the first places I would search. The science officer said in a quiet quaint voice.

Cara laughed"I thought it would be the last place he would turn up."

Lys nodded a small pucker formed between her dark eyes. "So, what happened anyway? If you don't mind me asking." The Science officer gestured to the chair to see if she was allowed to sit.

Blushing Cara indicated for her to sit "Sorry, fluff brained." She looked at her "Would you like a drink?" She wasn't avoiding the question just collecting her thoughts.

"Tea please, unsweet." Lys smiled as she sat and took the offered glass when it was handed to her and took a swallow. It was not near as good as the tea at Orchids & Jazz but she was getting rather spoiled there by the service and the company.

"I was young and gullible and got kidnapped by a rogue group within Starfleet as a young 2nd Lt. They decided to see what it took to create a better human."

Lys almost spit her tea out all over the Colonel. "Ma'am are you implying what I think your implying?" The dark haired woman looked really uncomfortable for a long moment.

"It doesn't go beyond this room Lt. There are certain people who know but you needed to in case you came across anything identifying me."

"Yes, Ma'am" Lys's tone was deadly serious "Ma'am do you have nay questions for me?"

"How are you settling in? I haven't had as much time to come around and check like I should have."

"Quite well, thank you. Well actually I didn't have all that much to unpack." Lys looked rather bashful at that thought. Her one crate had been unpacked, most of it any way. "I had more hybrids for the lab then I did of uniforms for my quarters."

Cara chuckled at that "You can buy a lot of nice stuff on the station for your quarters ... clothing and rugs and that, even knick knacks."

"That would fill it up now wouldn't it. I really try not to spend much time in my quarters. I would rather work with my hybrid plants. I tend to return to my quarters and sleep only."

"I can understand that ... the station is a good place to settle down and start making friends."

"I think I may need that right now, more then ever." Lys replied "I've made a few already." Lys grinned suddenly as she thought about he pregnant doctor and the baby shower that would occur soon for her.

"Im glad ... your always welcome to join Tallus and I for dinner."

Lys nodded "Perhaps some time when I am free and not elbow deep in what it is that I do in my spare time." she smiled.

"No problem ... our door is always open even if you just need to talk. Jess might talk your ear off with questions about plants though."

Lys laughed "That would be ok, I like to talk about plants." She stood to go "and I might really take you up on that offer."

Smiling Cara nodded watching her go.


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