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No time like the present

Posted on Mon 22nd Jul, 2013 @ 2:09am by Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

1,451 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: Medical Facility
Timeline: ?

Lys was not exactly in the mood to be visiting the doctor especially after having just left her last assignment with the PADD she had in her hand with her last physical. She sighed softly as she meandered down the corridors. "Am I even on the right deck?" She asked no one in particular.

"Depends on were ya need to be, missy." Lys looked at the older man walking along. "So, out wit' it. Where do ya need to be?"

"Um, I..." Lys looked around startled

"You youngins' always lost and then the cat always has yer tongue. SO out wit' it where do ya need to be? I will naught ask agin'" the man said as he tapped her arm. and looked at her expectantly.

"Med..Medical" Lys replied nervously.

The man waved his hand at her and shook his head "Deck 83, which yer on, head that direction." He pointed behind him, some where on the right. You'll fin' it no problem." With that her disappeared still shaking hi head.

Lys hurried away and almost ran into Sickbay, well the medical facility aboard the base certainly wasn't called sickbay it would be much more elaborate. The science officer stopped and looked around it looked really busy. "maybe I should come back another day." Lys said to herself.

Nyx had been busying herself all day. She knew she might be nesting which meant she'd be going into labor sooner than later. This meant she had a lot of work to do. She'd already made sure her shifts were covered. Rhiannon and B'lol were going to pick up a shift and the EMH had been tested by engineering to insure it was working properly.

Today however, she was in her Infirmary and ready to finish up with her patients. It was a day out of her quarters without a security lock on the doors...Well there was a security officer in a chair in the corner; just in case. She was ignoring him when she noticed a young woman walk in. She looked to be about Nyx's age.

"Can I help you?" Nyx approached her and as she spoke, her hand went straight to her belly. It was almost habitual now as if she had to protect her baby from all strangers. She smiled at the woman. "I'm Adanyxia Kell but most just call me Nyx. Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Nyx if you're the formal type."

"Lys, Lys Greystone" Lys replied in her quiet tone as she turned white at the site of woman being pregnant and swallowed the lump that formed in her throat as her brow puckered. "I thought I'd come by and get my baseline exam completed."

"It's good to meet you Lys." Nyx smiled. "Why don't you hop up on bio bed two and I'll get started on that exam for you." Nyx reached for a medical tricorder to begin. She noted the expression on the woman's face and wondered what had upset her. "I know there are a multitude of people and species that don't care for medical but I promise, this won't hurt at all." She smiled gently figuring the woman must be one of those that didn't care for medical exams.

"I am sure it won't I've been in medical a lot lately." Lys replied in her soft voice as she hopped onto the correct biobed.

As the LED lights blinked, Nyx scanned the woman slowly. "Have you been ill?" She looked at the readings on the equipment in her hand. Her hand went to her belly again as she realized why the woman had been in medical. "I'm so sorry." She said before the woman could answer the question. "Would you be more comfortable with a different medical officer?"

"No, its fine." Lys replied in almost a whisper "Do you know the gender of your child or children?"

"It's a girl." Nyx smiled uncomfortably. "She's due any day now really." Nyx completed her scan. "You've healed physically. I don't see any scarring or any permanent damage."

"Well that is good to know." Lys replied lightly and then smiled softly "What name did you pick?"

Nyx shook her head. "I haven't even thought about a name yet." It suddenly dawned on her that their daughter didn't have a name and because of her anatomy and Devyn's, she could arrive at any time. "I suppose I should pin my husband down and choose one." She felt horrible for the young woman and wondered what had happened. "Do you know what caused your miscarriage?" She didn't see any medical reason on the scans and wanted to reassure the woman that she should have no problems carrying another child if she chose to.

Lys shook her head negatively more as if she hadn't wanted to think about it but answered any way. "No, the previous doctor said that sometimes with the first that it simply just happens." She shrugged and looked really uncomfortable. Her dark eyes looked haunted. "So, is this your first?" Lys asked quietly.

Nyx nodded. "Yes it's my first...I was..." Nyx tried to think of the right way to put it. "I wasn't given the freedom for courtship or mating for the last four years."

Lys looked clearly puzzled for a moment and then hesitantly said her voice slightly strained and questioned "An arranged marriage?"

"I'm Chameloid and I was used as a weapon by my last command." She explained. "Held prisoner until I was needed. I was confined to one suite - catering to my needs. In my opinion it was nothing more than a cage. My husband was my rescuer. I guess I misworded. For three of the last four years I was a prisoner. For the last year Devyn Kell has become my best friend and my lover."

Lys's dark eyes opened wide in surprise at what she was but smiled as the young woman seemed very happy concerning her husband and her child to be. "Your baby, what is the chance that it will be a Chameloid and have to be..." Lys's dark eyes saddened as did her whole face at the thought of being like Nyx forever not her true self.

"I won't allow my child to become a Star Fleet commodity." She looked at Lys. "I don't blame my parents. They're Betazoid and they didn't understand when I first changed. It frightened them and they thought they were sending me to be helped, trained to control myself...but the powers that be took advantage of that...The scientists took things further than Star Fleet should have allowed." She didn't say it was the Marines, but that was where she lay her blame. They were the ones that kept her prisoner. "Devyn and I will teach our child, if it becomes necessary."

Lys nodded "Good, no person should be a commodity as you said that is...." She paused "wrong" then she smiled at the woman "I'm glad to have met you. Have you had a baby shower yet?"

"A baby shower?" Nyx was confused. "The baby hasn't been born yet." She'd never heard of such a thing..

Lys smiled a huge grin as she swung her legs with glee. "Baby showers occur before the baby is born. It is a party to welcome the wee one by giving the mother special gifts just for the baby. Do you like parties?"

"I do like parties." Nyx grinned. "I don't know how Devyn would feel about it..."

"Well maybe we can ask him. I will come with if you like. I will even make arrangements and all you will have to do is show up. Please I would love to do this for you. I..." Nyx could tell it was something that might actually help the young woman heal a bit with her own loss.

"Let's do it then." Nyx smiled. "Devyn is used to me making decisions that he doesn't like so it won't be anything new to him if he disapproves." She didn't think that he would disapprove but Lys had talked her into this and now she was going to do it whether he approved or not. "It'll have to be very soon though. There's no way to tell when I might go into labor. A hybrid like my baby hasn't ever been born."

Lys slid off the bio-bed and hugged Nyx "Wonderful! I will get started and let you know when and where to come to for your baby shower."

Nyx hugged the woman back. She hadn't ever warmed up to someone so quickly. She was glad Lys had walked into her office. "Thank you."

Lt Adanyxia Kell, CMO

Lt. jg Lys Greystone, CSciO

Star Base Protector


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