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Say Wha?

Posted on Thu 25th Jul, 2013 @ 11:48pm by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

553 words; about a 3 minute read


Joshua followed Kell's instructions to get the two of them to Karrikar's office hoping that he was in and would be willing to see them. He didn't want to just turn up on his daughter's doorstep without some warning. Looking at Mikayla at his side he smiled his heart in his eyes as he thought about this feisty woman that over 30 years ago agreed to be his wife.

Stopping in front of the office door Joshua knocked holding his wife mentally and physically knowing she was nervous and emotional.

Tallus looked to Cara. "Expecting anyone?"

Looking up from where she was reading her PADD Cara shook her head with a frown. The two of them were sharing an office til the situation with Dobbs was settled "No.. wasn't anything on my agenda this morning."

Tallus shrugged and went to the door. Opening it he saw two people he had never seen before. "Can I assist you?"

Mikayla swallowed nervously as Joshua addressed the man in front of them "Lt Colonel Karikkar? Our daughter is Cara ... we were hoping you might talk with us?"

Hearing voices she hadn't heard in years but still remembered Cara let out a soft sob behind Tallus as she realized it was her parents there. "Mom ... Dad?" She shook as she stood up and moved near Tallus.

"Please, come in." Tallus said with a nod.

Mikayla made a move toward her daughter then moved back not sure if it would be welcomed. Walking in she sat down on the couch and leant into Joshua for comfort even as she watched Cara.

Shocked to see them and not sure what to do Cara turned to Tallus for comfort, scared that if she made a move towards her parents they would disappear. Wrapped in his arms she asked softly "Are they real? I'm ... I'm not dreaming?"

"They are real Cara." Tallus said with a nod. He looked at the two in front of him and out of respect for Cara did not prey into their minds.

Mikayla looked at the both of them worried and then did something that would have shocked most she opened her mind to Tallus allowing him to see whatever he needed to as it was obvious he cared for her daughter.

Joshua watched and sent quietly to him ~Can I ask your intentions towards my daughter and grand daughter?~

~My intentions only go as far as they allow it.~ Tallus said with a smile.

~Do you care for them?~ Joshua needed to know.

~That goes without saying.~ Tallus said matter-of-factly.

"Thank you ..." Joshua swallowed heavily.

Tallus gave a brief nod of his head as he looked at Cara.

Cara was shaking as tears ran down her face not sure what to say to her parents.

Tallus put his hand on Cara back. "If you need any kind of quarters I can make sure that they are close by."

"Thank you we havent had a chance to get any yet." He looked at his daughter and his fists clenched at theevidence of her nightmares.

Turning into Tallus' chest Cara let him be the strong one for once. "You could ... come to dinner tonight and meet your grand daughter."

Her parents nodded and after a few minutes more small talk left a shell shocked Cara with her mate.


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