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Calming Jess

Posted on Tue 28th May, 2013 @ 3:57am by Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Jessica Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar

543 words; about a 3 minute read



Jess had been quiet when they had brought the new puppy home. She had spent time looking between the two adults but was scared to voice the questions she had. Especially about where she would fit in in the new situation.

Seeing the glances Cara looked at Tallus ~Swift? Love? I think we need to have a talk with Jess.~ She knew everything had happened in a rush. As it was the two adults were still feeling their way through this themselves.

Tallus smiled. "Jessica, how do you like your new pet?" Tallus asked.

Smiling shyly she said "Really neat ...momma always said she wanted to get one when we were settled somewhere." She said softly "Are you and momma dating?"

Tallus looked at Cara and said, "In a matter of speaking, yes we are."

She looked confused the language a bit hard even for a smart 6 year old. "I'm sorry I don't know what that means."

"Yes we are." Tallus said smiling.

Looking relieved at that she nodded "If you marry momma ... will you both still want me?"

"Of course we will. Why would you think otherwise?" Tallus said looking at Jess.

"The men said our mommies and daddies didn't want us and that's why we got left with them ... and I thought that if you and mommie got married then ..." Her logic said that parents would get rid of kids already in the picture.

"I can tell you right now that we will not do that." Tallus said smiling. "In fact you will be getting four more siblings. Two of which are kind of just like you."

"Like me?" Jess's head cocked to the side trying to work that out.

"Yes, special." Tallus said with a grin.

"They can do what I do?" She hadn't met anyone except her momma.

"Not quite that but they had different mommies and daddies." Tallus said with a nod. "Maybe you'll get to meet them."

She bounced in excitement at that then asked "Will they like me?"

"I am sure that they will love you." Tallus said smiling.

Jess gave him a hug "And you really don't mind having another kid?"

"I love children." Tallus said embracing the hug.

Snuggling in Jess smiled "Good ... even if I get in trouble at school? Its really boring."

"Indeed I will." Tallus said with a smile.

"Do I have to go to school?"

"Indeed you do." Tallus said with smile.

"Schools boring ... the teacher gives me things i can do with my eyes closed."

"Then we'll just have to see if we can't get you into a smarter school." Tallus said with a smile.

Cara came over and sat with them nodding with a smile "There are lots of different schools we can try."

Jess gave them both a hopeful look "Really?"

"Indeed so. I will see what I can't arrange." Tallus said with a nod.

Hugging him Jess smiled "Thank you daddy."

Tallus returned the hug and looked to Cara with a wink.

Cara laughed softly and grinned at Tallus ~Looks like you picked up a new daughter love.~


Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commanding Officer & Acting Executive Officer
Starbase Protector


Lieutenant Colonel Cara Treia
Executive Officer
Starbase Protector


Jessica Treia
Civilian Child
Starbase Protector


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